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When for the Maintenance of Power, the Liberties of the Peoples are subdued by Martial Supremacy and the Dictates of Ambition the State is Lost. I lie in Vile Bondage here in Morristown under charge of Disrespeck me that a twelvemonth past left a home and Respectable Connexions to serve my Country.

Selwyn, said the groom cheerily, touching his forehead in a semi-nautical greeting. 'Good-day, Mathews. How are all your family this morning? 'Meaning the hosses, sir, or opposite-like, my old mare and her colt? Likewise and sim'lar, and no disrespeck meant, meaning my old woman and little Wellington.

"Hi s'y!" she cried, and dashed into the gloomy cubby-hole. "Wot's this? You scrubbin'? Drop it, now, you 'ear? Hit 'yn't fer me to show no disrespeck, Frowline, but drop it. Hi 'yn't a-goin' to have them pretty 'ands hall spoilt." "But, M'riarrr, I just love to scrub." "Don't love hanythink so vulgar," M'riar replied without a moment's hesitation.

Then, looking back at Philip's plate, he forced a laugh, and said, "But you've turned over your herring, sir that's bad luck." And, putting a hand on Philip's shoulder, he added, in a lower tone, "No disrespeck to you, sir; and no harm to the lad, but take my word for it, Mr. Christian, if there's an amble in the mare it'll be in the colt." Philip went off without another word.

"But," said my grandfather, "no to speak wi' disrespeck of things considered wi' reverence, it does na seem to me that there is ony cause to think the Reformers hae yet rebelled." "I am sure," replied the smith, "if they hae na they ought, or the de'il a spunk's amang them.

It's Cæsar for knowing a deserving lad when he sees one, eh?" He gave another round of his cunning winks, and Grannie replied, "Aw, well, it's nothing against either of them anyway." Cæsar was gitting as straight as a crowbar and as grim as a gannet. "And when he left me, he gave me imperence and disrespeck."

"Indeed, mum, but I wish you joy, and that he'll lead you as easy a life as Tim'thy here does me, 'deed I do, and no disrespeck intended," was Martha's parting sentence; and then our wonder as to whether Martin was going to town, or what, was cut short by his rising, looking at his watch, and saying in the most matter-of-fact way to Lavinia: "Is your bag ready? You know we leave in an hour."

There'll no be muckle o' him to rise again." "George, man, dinna jeest i' the face o' a corp," returned the other. "Ye kenna whan yer ain turn may come." "It's no disrespeck to the deid, Thamas. That ye ken weel eneuch. I was only pityin' the worn face o' him, leukin up there atween the buirds, as gin he had gotten what he wanted sae lang, and was thankin' heaven for that same.

She wouldn't have thought it of him she wouldn't really. But it was always the way when a plain practical woman married on the quality. Imperence and dis-respeck that's the capers! Imperence and disrespeck from the ones that's doing nothing and behoulden to you for everything. It was shocking! It was disthressing!

'Mas'r Dick, replied the groom, snorting violently, 'you shouldn't go for to insult me. Beggin' your pardon and meanin' no disrespeck, this here war is as much mine as yourn. Orders or no orders, I'm agoin' to have a howd'ee with them sausage-eaters, and, as that there free-spoke young gen'l'man observed, the bridge ain't exactly a chancery in the daylight.