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Updated: August 27, 2024

For answer he held it up in front of his face, but the most of it being hole, it did not hide the eyes that twinkled so merrily that my housewifely reproof was effectually silenced. I took the sorry remnant and began washing the dishes, mentally resolving, and carrying out my resolution the next day, to send him a respectable dish-cloth.

"It wouldn't be a picnic without a kettle and a fire; and we must have hot water to wash up with. I brought a dish-cloth on purpose," said Sarah. "I can't think why you don't enjoy yourself. You used to be fond of eating and drinking anywhere and most of all on the moor in the good old days that are gone." "I am not a philosopher like you," said Peter, angrily.

"I ain't goin' to have Sally Drew. Last time I had her she washed up the hearth with the dish-cloth. If I want me a girl, I'll get one; but mebbe I sha'n't want one till Hermie brings Annie into the neighborhood to live."

The full pails were only just set down on the kitchen floor, when in bustled Mistress Flint, with a dish-cloth in her hand, which she had not waited to lay down, so eager was she to utter what she came to say. "Go to, Gossip Winter! Heard you the news?" "News, gramercy! Who e'er hath the grace to tell me a shred thereof?" returned Mistress Winter crustily. "What now, Gossip?"

Through the barred windows of the basement she could hear Catty singing in the pantry: "'I am so glad that Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me...." Catty was happy when she sang and danced round and round with the dish-cloth. And Jenny and Mr. Spall were happy when they talked about Jesus. But Mamma was not happy.

He looked fearfully round the empty hall and at the windows, black against the night. Under the patter of the rain he heard footsteps distinctly. He went hastily clumping down the hall, and along the passage to the kitchen. His wife was setting his supper on the table. "My God!" he said. "I haven't been so frightened since '70." And he mopped his glistening forehead with a dish-cloth.

But I drank the stuff he gave me, simply to save further bother; also another dose which he brought to the hotel. Then he insisted on leaving a bottle out of which I am to take a dose every three hours on the journey home. I did not know old Dick was such a crank." "Probably it is the result of sitting in a tub and being scrubbed with a dish-cloth. Did he know you were coming here?"

How the juices of high living roll from her brow as she stoops down, and gives the unfortunate St. Nicholas a greasy dish-cloth of her fat lips! Faugh! I'll consider about my course of life, Dominico. There are some inconveniences in being a saint. Next comes an old and toothless crone, all draggled with dirt, limping on crutches a most pitiful object to look upon.

He had disposed of his last dish-cloth, and he withdrew the remaining clothes-pin from his mouth in a way that was pathetically feminine. "She keeps the post-office here, since Mrs.

They had done this durin' other towers that we had gone off on, and never had we found our confidence misplaced, or so much as a towel or a dish-cloth missin'. We have always done well by them while they wuz workin' for us by the week or on shares, and they have always jest turned right round and done well by us. Thomas Jefferson and Maggie went with us.

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