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Updated: August 28, 2024

He's your hired man, he would do as you told him to," sez I. "For a Methodist deacon such acts are demeanin' and disgustin' for a pardner and Jonesville to witness, let alone the country."

The other apparently missed the entire point of this remark. He said in his gentle, serious way: "He used to be real wild, Buck. But now he don't mind people. He let the cook feed him a chunk o' meat the other day; and you remember he don't usually touch stuff that other men have handled." "Yep," grunted Buck, "it's sure disgustin' to have a dog as tame as that.

"Now, of all the disgustin' things that ever happened to me, this is the worst," remarked Captain Dunning, in a very sulky tone of voice, as he descended to the cabin to change his garments, Ailie having preceded him in order to lay out dry clothes.

"Curly Ben is 'bad' plumb through, an' the sights, as they says in the picturesque language of the Southwest, has been filed from his guns for many years. Which this last is runnin' in Moon's head while he talks with his disgustin' emmissary. Moon ain't out to take chances on gettin' the worst of it. An' tharfore, Moon at once waxes cunnin' a whole lot.

But all I can say is that if I'd been collared in a similarly disgustin' situation, and had offered the same explanation Tulke has, I I wonder what you'd have said. However, it seems on Tulke's word of honor " "And Tulkus beg pardon kiss, of course -Tulkiss is an honorable man," put in Stalky.

"Certainly. With pleasure." She was all helpless again and childlike, and he liked her that way best. "I don't like the streets," she explained. "I'm afraid of them. I mean I'm afraid of the people in them. They stare at me something awful. So horribly rude, isn't it, to stare?" "Rude?" said Ransome. "It's disgustin'." "As if there was something peculiar about me.

"This this here tune " "Yes. This disgustin' noise what is it?" The mate looked sulky. "This is Haydn's 'Surprise," he growled. "So I should think. I dunno who the bloke was, but it must have given Haydn quite a turn! Don't let's 'ave no more of it." "Well, I don't see as there's no 'arm in music. And I didn't loose it off when you was about.

It remained still fur a few minutes, thin, to our amazement, turned over an' began swimmin'. He casht his eye inquiringly up at the crew, who were all standin' along the rail lookin' at him, as though he wanted somethin'. The skipper himself was so overcome at the shtrange soight that he furgot, fur the toime bein', all about the disgustin' state av the deck.

Chichester protested vehemently: "But we are NOT provided for." "No," added Alaric. "Our bank's bust." "We're ruined," sobbed Mrs. Chichester. "Broke!" said Alaric. "We've nothing!" wailed the old lady. "Not thruppence," from the son. "Dear, dear," said the lawyer. "How extremely painful." "PAINFUL? That's not the word. Disgustin' I call it," corrected Alaric. Mr. Hawkes thought a moment.

Pa looked at me as if I was a total stranger, and told the porter if that freckled faced boot-black belonged around the house he had better be fired out of the ball-room, and the girl said the disgustin' thing, and just before they fired me I told Pa he had better look out or he would sweat through his liver pad. "I went to bed and Pa staid up till the lights were put out.

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