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BRUNO. Y con los cascos calientes ya no se duerme por más vueltas que uno en la cama. DOÑA MATILDE. Pero hombre, que estás ahí charlando sin saber.... BRUNO. ¿Conque no lo que me digo?

Ef you was half a man, your heart would 'a' bounded like a cannon-ball at dat ar' sermon." "Dr. Stiles and me we talked it over after church," said Digo, "and de Doctor was of my 'pinion, dat Providence didn't intend" "Oh, you go long wid your Providence! Guess, ef white folks had let us alone, Providence wouldn't trouble us." "Well," said Digo, "Dr.

The material is a framework of "Digo," or sticks bent and hardened in the fire: to build the hut, these are planted in the ground, tied together with cords, and covered with mats of two different kinds: the Aus composed of small bundles of grass neatly joined, is hard and smooth; the Kibid has a long pile and is used as couch as well as roof.

Pero, con todo, digo que ese ideal político de la mujer no puede desaparecer porque ella sea educada en la política a la manera que se educa en las ciencias y en las artes.

DON EDUARDO. ¿No ve usted que así se pierde toda esperanza y toma uno al cabo su partido? BRUNO. Cuando hay partido que tomar, no digo que no. DON EDUARDO. Ahora quisiera yo que usted, mi querido Bruno.... DON EDUARDO. Me concediera una gracia que le voy a pedir y que será probablemente la última que le pediré en mi vida. BRUNO. Si está en mi arbitrio....

If Luis de Leon was entitled to use it, he appears not to have exercised his right, for in the report of his first trial he consistently employs some such simple formula as: 'El maestro fray Luis de Leon... digo'. The omission of the name 'Ponce' during proceedings extending over more than four years can scarcely be accidental.

DON EDUARDO. Si esto no la ablanda, digo que es de piedra berroqueña.... ¡Pobre de , y a lo que me veo obligado para obtener a Matilde!... ¡a engañarla, a fingir un carácter tan opuesto al mío!... ¡Oh! si yo no estuviera tan convencido como lo estoy de que Matilde me prefiere a pesar de pesares y que me deberá su futuro bienestar, jamás apelaría ... ¡pero ella es!... Pongámonos en guardia.

Then Thomas, Pascal's friend, asked leave to sing a few verses; and, fixing his keen eyes upon the coquette, he began in tones of lute-like sweetness the following song, entitled 'The Syren with a Heart of Ice. We have translated it, as nearly as possible, from the Gascon dialect. "Faribolo pastouro, Sereno al co de glas, Oh! digo, digo couro Entendren tinda l'houro Oun t'amistouzaras.

Digo was ready to assert before all the world, that one and all of these were under his special protection, and that whoever had anything to say to the contrary of any of these must expect to take issue with him. Digo not only swallowed all his master's opinions whole, but seemed to have the stomach of an ostrich in their digestion.

Cato, thus lovingly pitched hors-de-combat, sipped the sweetened cup in quietness of soul, while Candace returned to the charge. "Now, I tell ye what," she said to Digo, "jest 'cause you wear your master's old coats and hats, you tink you must go in for all dese yer old, mean, white 'pinions. A'n't ye 'shamed you, a black man to have no more pluck and make cause wid de Egyptians?