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McQuestion was thinkin' a'ready about goin' home to that squaw wife that keeps him so straight. Well, sir, Butts went over and began to gas about outfittin', and McQuestion answers and figures up the estimates on the counter, and, by Gawd! in less 'n quarter of an hour Butts, just standin' there and listenin', as you'd think he'd got that di'mon' watch off'n the chain an' had it in his pocket.

An' what ever's made ye quit lookin' down on me, so sudden like?" "Jim-Ed," she replied, in a caressing tone, "ef y' ain't got no paper collar on, ner no glas' di'mon' pin, I allow ye're a man. An' maybe maybe ye're the kind of man I like, Jim-Ed." To even such genuine modesty as Jim-Ed's this was comprehensible. Shyly and happily he reached out his hand for hers.

One day ol' Mis' Squiers, the Doc's mother, missed a di'mon' ring. She laid it on the mantel an' it was gone, an' she said as Lucy took it. Lucy didn't take it, an' after they'd tried to make my gal confess as she was a thief they give 'er three days to hand up the ring or the money it was worth, or else they'd hev her arrested and sent t' jail. Lucy didn't take it, ye know.

"Yesm," said Genesis. "Now I'm in 'at Swim flyin' roun' ev'y night wif all lem blue-vein people I say, 'Mus' go buy me some blue-vein clo'es! Ef I'm go'n' a START, might's well start HIGH! So firs', I buy me thishere gol' necktie pin wi' thishere lady's face carved out o' green di'mon', sittin' in the middle all 'at gol'. 'Nen I buy me pair Royal King shoes.

"I can't get at my purse, Eunice; there's no use trying," she wailed, despairingly. "Let us have the paper, my boy, and come back here when the owner of this car comes and he'll give you a quarter." "Yes he will!" shouted the lad, and he'll give me a di'mon' pin an' a gold watch! I'd come back, willin' enough, but me root lays the other way, an' I must be scootin' or I'll miss the hull show.

I knew he done it, though I ain't exactly seen how he done it. The others who were in the game, they swore he hadn't got it yet, but, by Gawd, Butts says he'll think over McQuestion's terms, and wonders what time it is. He takes that di'mon' watch out of his pocket, glances at it, and goes off smooth as cream, sayin' 'Good-night. Then he come a grinnin' over to us.

The latter cleared his throat several times before he managed to say, "You don't want me to marry Arline, do you, Mr. Gray?" "Frankly, my boy, I do not." "Why?" "There are many reasons." "What's one?" "I don't think you love her." Briskow stirred. "Is that why you went an' got that di'mon' ring I had made?" When this query met with a nod the young Texan's face flamed and his eyes glowed.

'Ordherly, he says, 'put a bottle on th' ice, an' see that me goold pants that I wear with th' pale blue vest with th' di'mon buttons is irned out, he says. An' with a haggard face he walked aboord th' excursion steamer, an' wint away. "I'd hate to tell ye iv th'thriles iv th' expedition, Hinnissy.

About th' time th' lord chamberlain wint over to tell her she was queen, an' she came out in her nitey to hear th' good news, I was announced into this wurruld iv sin an' sorrow. So ye see we've reigned about th' same lenth iv time, an' I ought to be cillybratin' me di'mon' jubilee. I wud, too, if I had anny di'mon's. Do ye r-run down to Aldherman O'Brien's an' borrow twinty or thirty f'r me.

In his thick Canadian accent Charlie was saying: "I blowed out a lot o' dust for dat girl. She's wearin' my di'mon' now, and won't look at me. Say, Butts, I'll give you twenty dollars if you sneak dat ring." "Done with you," says Butts, as calm as a summer's day.