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I wonder if he'd know me now, and lend me a ten-pound note to get me out of the infernal fix I'm in? I believe he would, for he was one of the few really good-hearted men I have so far met with. "If he were in London I really think I should take courage from my desperation, and put my case before him and ask his help. However, he's not in London, and so it's no use wishing.

Have you got the money to pay me yes or no?" "No," said Andrew then, with a manliness born of desperation. He had the feeling of one who will die fighting. He wished that Evarts would speak lower on account of Ellen, but he was prepared to face even that.

The guide was quite anxious about me; he seemed to consider a lady as something that must necessarily break in two, or come apart, like a German doll, if not managed with extremest care; and therefore to see one bounding through bushes, leaping, and springing, and climbing over rocks at such a rate, appeared to him the height of desperation.

I would bring her back if I could, but I cannot, and I shall marry 'Lina." "But," and Anna grasped his hand nervously. "I thought you told me once, that you won her love, and then, when mother's harsh letters came, left her without a word. Was that story false?" The doctor was wading out in deep water, and in desperation he added lie to lie, saying: "Yes, that was false.

No call for refusing. Go on, Wal'r. 'And therefore, Sir, said Walter, venturing to meet Mr Dombey's eye, and proceeding with better courage in the very desperation of the case, now that there was no avoiding it, 'therefore I have come, with him, Sir, to say that my poor old Uncle is in very great affliction and distress.

Most of them first endeavoured to liquidate the claim in the Continental currency, now depreciated through the desperation of the American cause to a point that made it scarcely worth the paper on which its pseudo-value was stamped.

The moment came when her tears forced their way, and she wept not because she was touched, but because she was helpless; they were tears of desperation. She had believed herself independent and free; marriage weighed on her as the prison cell does on the captive. "'I will go! she cried through her tears. 'He forces me to it; I will go where no one certainly will come after me.

By this time I had hold of the cape of his overcoat and was plucking it in utter desperation. 'John, I said, speaking low, 'what in thunder do you mean? This is the best chance we'll ever have. I was looking at the lady meanwhile in the most imploring manner, and she was regarding me with a kind of a pleasant, amused smile on her face.

He had fallen so often now, and swerved so often from the path of temperance, rectitude, and honour, that he began to regard himself as a hopeless reprobate as one who had been weighed and found wanting tested of God, and deliberately set aside. And so step by step the devil thrust him into desperation, and strove thereby to clinch the hopelessness of his estate.

"And who are you?" she cried wildly. "Am I mad or is this a lunatic asylum?" For a moment the girl stared at her with sweet perplexed face. Was she another patient, then? thought the distressed woman. "I am Mrs. Moss," she said in a sort of desperation. "Pray tell me who you are and where I am?" All the pretty color left the girl's face. She stepped back and leaned against the door.