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Updated: August 17, 2024

And as we call to mind the circumstances that have led to such a notable advance, we are filled with admiration for that unique and great-hearted apostle of Bahá’u’lláh, our dearly-beloved Martha Root, who under trying circumstances and almost single-handed in her efforts, has so wonderfully paved the way for the universal recognition of the Cause of God.

Winstanley left her diamonds to her daughter, her wardrobe to the faithful and long-suffering Pauline otherwise Mary Smith and all the rest of her belongings to her dearly-beloved husband, Conrad Winstanley. The Captain was a sufficient man of business to take care that this will was properly executed. In all this time his daily intercourse with Violet was a source of exceeding bitterness.

Dear and valued co-workers: Your joint message truly cheered my heart and served to remind me of the great company of my dearly-beloved brethren who have toiled so devotedly in the past, and are so energetically pursuing their historic tasks at present, in the service of our glorious Faith, I will continue to supplicate the Beloved to bless continually your high endeavours, to enable you to extend the range of your splendid activities, and to lend a tremendous impetus to the onward march of the Faith in your promising country,

Thus provided with information, forewarned of danger, furnished with a double set of letters from the Queen to the States the first expressed in language of extreme exasperation, the others couched in almost affectionate terms and laden with messages brimfull of wrathful denunciation from her Majesty to one who was notoriously her Majesty's dearly-beloved, Sir Thomas Heneage set forth on his mission.

Day and night she liveth in my remembrance. I dare make no mention of the feelings which separation from her has aroused in my heart, for whatever I should attempt to express in writing will assuredly be effaced by the tears which such sentiments must bring to my eyes.’ Dearly-beloved Greatest Holy Leaf!

Dearly-beloved friends: The opening of the second year of the third phase of a ten-year long Crusade, marking the passing of a little over one third of its duration; coinciding with the closing of a period rendered memorable by the achievement of so many of its goals, as well as by a succession of victories won in fields beyond its scope; significantly ushered in by the emergence of no less than thirteen national and regional spiritual assemblies in four continents, with a jurisdiction embracing more than forty territories of the globe, in the election of which over three hundred delegates representing more than one hundred and thirty local communities will participate; and over the inauguration of which no less than thirteen Hands of the Cause of God will presidethe opening of so auspicious a year must be signalized by a solemn renewal of dedication, on the part of all who are participating in this colossal, world-girdling enterprise, and indeed by the entire company of those who profess the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh—a dedication which, as the year pursues its course, will be reflected in acts the brilliance of which will eclipse the shining exploits achieved since the inception of the Crusade, and, indeed, since the commencement of the Formative Age of the Bahá’í Dispensation.

Dear co-workers: Your joint message brought joy and gladness to my heart and was a powerful reminder of the staunchness of the faith of the dearly-beloved German believers, their constancy and determination, their thoroughness and diligency in the study of the Faith and of its teachings, and their devotion to the interests of its institutions.

Would it not be a kind of pilgrimage to hobble down the Canongate to that little lodging, and might there not be for him a sad pleasure even to enter and sit down by the same fireplace where he had seen the dearly-beloved face, and listened to her voice, to him more musical than the melody of angels?

I give to Alfred Dinks, my grand-nephew, my silver shoe-buckles, which belonged to his great-grandfather Burt." "Fourth. And all the other estate, real and personal, of which I may die seized, I give, devise, and bequeath to Budlong Dinks, Timothy Kingo, and Selah Sutler, in trust, nevertheless, and for the sole use, behoof, and benefit of my dearly-beloved grand-daughter, Hope Wayne." Mr.

"How did any of those papers, signed with a scrawl, begin?" he asked. "'To our dearly-beloved, or something like that," answered Pierre. "There were letters also. Two of them were full of harsh words, and these were signed with the scrawl." "What was that scrawl?" asked Tybalt. Pierre stooped to the sand, and wrote two words with his finger. "Like that," he answered.

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