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To my dearly-beloved brothers and sisters in ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: care of the American National Spiritual Assembly. Dearest friends: The day is drawing near when, for the third time, we shall commemorate the world over the passing of our well-beloved ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. May we not pause for a moment, and gather our thoughts? How has it fared with us, His little band of followers, since that day?

Let us therefore take a lesson from what has passed and render to the Cause services still unseen in the history of the movement. In closing may I assure you of Shoghi Effendi’s prayers and loving greetings,... My dearly-beloved friends: The expression of your loyalty and perseverance has rejoiced my heart. You are truly the heroic pioneers of the Cause of God.

God, who "spared not his dearly-beloved Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?" "Nothing shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." II. The Christian peace is the peace of being divinely controlled. The man who accepts Jesus Christ truly, accepts Him as Master and Lord.

Dearly-beloved co-workers: I am deeply grateful to you for the many and repeated evidences of your splendid devotion and firm determination to serve the best interests of our glorious Faith. The work in which you are engaged is dear and near to my heart. My prayers are always with you. Persevere in your labours and never feel discouraged, however great the obstacles that may stand in your way.

Regarding the pamphlet entitledThe Passing of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá,” I believe some additional material, consisting mainly of a few selections from leading American newspapers, would increase its value and extend its scope. I shall be glad to receive a copy of the reprinted edition, and I wish you success in this endeavor. My dearly-beloved friend and fellow-worker, Mr.

The good mother had made this sacrifice willingly and without complaint, as she would have made any other sacrifice for her dearly-beloved only son; and she found the reward of her devotion; for Margaret, this penniless, friendless girl, had become very dear to her a real daughter, not in law, but bound by the sweet ties of gratitude and affection.

Peradventure then her husband had already made known to her what had taken him forth to Grubner's dwelling, and if so he had lifted a heavy task from me, for indeed my whole soul yearned to this dearly-beloved aunt, yet meseemed it was no light matter to prepare her, who was so feeble and yet so self-willed, for the joy and the strife of soul which awaited her.

Day and night she liveth in my remembrance. I dare make no mention of the feelings which separation from her has aroused in my heart, for whatever I should attempt to express in writing will assuredly be effaced by the tears which such sentiments must bring to my eyes.” Dearly-beloved Greatest Holy Leaf!

I am thrilled by this latest and indeed most significant evidence of the unfailing protection of the Almighty, and of His manifold blessings vouchsafed to His dearly-beloved and worthy servants labouring so heroically for His Faith in that land.

The attention that the 200th Ind. had to give to the bayonet drill confirmed Si's deep respect for the weapon, and he practiced assiduously all the "lunges," "parries," and "guards" in the Manual, in the hope that proficiency so gained would save his own dearly-beloved hide from puncture, and enable him to punch any luckless rebel that he might encounter as full of holes as a fishing net.