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When Major Falk once began to talk about his dearly-beloved wife, he was apt to forget the flight of time, and often the cool evening wind first aroused him with its chilly breath to the fact that he was lingering too long in the outer air.

After sixteen years of perfect love and joy, he parted with his dear Agatha. Henry bore his sorrow meekly and patiently. He did not speak, he could not weep; but life was never again the same thing to him; he never parted for a moment with the memory of his loving and dearly-beloved wife.

To the members of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United States and Canada: Dearly-beloved friends: Your recent communications, dated February 17 and March 2, 17 and 21, have been received, and their perusal has served to heighten my admiration for the unflinching determination which characterizes the concerted efforts which you are exerting for the spread and consolidation of the Bahá’í Faith.

The mortal remains of the young boy were deposited in the family vault in the church of Santa Cecilia, in Trastevere. A monument was erected there with the simple inscription, "Here lies Evangelista Ponziano;" and a figure in stone, clothed in a long robe, was carved upon it. Francesca wept over the loss of her dearly-beloved child, but did not grieve for him. How could she have done so?

Rushing from his chamber, so soon as he had read them, to that of his dearly-beloved daughter, Clara Isabella, he knocked loudly at the door, and screaming through the keyhole the three words, "Antwerp is ours," returned precipitately again to his own apartment. It was the general opinion in Spain, that the capture of this city had terminated the resistance of the Netherlands.

Dearly-beloved friends: The revival and rapid consolidation of the German Bahá’í community after the prolonged and terrible ordeals to which it has been subjected is a striking evidence of the irresistible power of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh, as well as a magnificent testimony to the vitality of the faith of the German believers.

The death of Joubert was as saddening to Kruger, consequently, as the Demise of his most dearly-beloved brother could have been, and in the funeral-oration which the President delivered over the bier of the General, he expressed that sense of sorrow most aptly.

At the sight of this dearly-beloved face, the queen, forgetting her usual timidity and assumed coldness, stepped eagerly forward and offered both her hands to her husband. Her whole heart, the long-suppressed fervor of her soul, spoke in her moist and glowing eyes. Her lips, which had so long been silent, so long guarded their sweet secret, expressed, though silently, fond words of love.

Lazare, bedewed with tears, without, on that account, ever bearing the dearly-beloved master the least grudge.

'To my dearly-beloved brother Jeronymo! he stammered out, and replaced the glass with a shudder. "'That was my murderer's voice! exclaimed a terrible figure, which appeared suddenly in the midst of us, covered with blood, and disfigured with horrible wounds. "Do not ask me the rest," added the Sicilian, with every symptom of horror in his countenance.