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By a subsequent decree, 15th of July, he appointed "his dearly-beloved cousin, Joachim Murat, Grand Duke of Berg, to the throne of Naples and Sicily, which remained vacant by the accession of Joseph Napoleon to the kingdoms of Spain and the Indies." Both these documents are signed Napoleon, and countersigned by the Minister Secretary of State, Maret.

"How did any of those papers, signed with a scrawl, begin?" he asked. "'To our dearly-beloved, or something like that," answered Pierre. "There were letters also. Two of them were full of harsh words, and these were signed with the scrawl." "What was that scrawl?" asked Tybalt. Pierre stooped to the sand, and wrote two words with his finger. "Like that," he answered.

Your brother in His Service, SHOGHI. Haifa, Palestine. November 14, 1923. Letter of November 26, 1923. To the members of the American National Spiritual Assembly. Friends and fellow-workers in the Vineyard of God! After a long and unbroken silence, it gives me the greatest joy to be enabled to correspond again with my dearly-beloved co-workers of the National Spiritual Assembly.

I trust my heart's dearly-beloved lord and son will be supported by Divine grace to do nothing against God and his own soul's salvation. 'Tis better to lose the temporal than the eternal." Thus wrote the mother of William, and we can feel the sympathetic thrill which such tender and lofty words awoke in his breast.

"Yes, my dearly-beloved Anna," whispered he, clasping her in his arms, "on that blessed and happy day you will be my wife, and the laurels entwined in your hair will be changed into a myrtle-wreath." He embraced her passionately, and she resisted no longer, but listened ever to his words, which, like sweet opium, poisoned both the ear and heart of the young girl.

Your true brother, SHOGHI. Haifa, Palestine, April 27, 1927. Letter of May 27, 1927. To the members of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United States and Canada: Dearly-beloved co-workers: Your communications dated April 15th and May 6th and 9th have been received, with their enclosures, and carefully perused. Declaration of Trust and By-Laws

Why do ye want to put a lie on a stone for the Lord to read? But 'e was as obst'nate as pigs. 'Dish-clouts or no dish-clouts, sez 'e, 'I'll 'ave 'er fixed up proper as my Dearly-Beloved Wife for sight o' parson an' neighbours. 'Ah, Sam! sez I 'I've got ye! It's for parson an' neighbours ye want the hepitaph, an' not for the Lord at all!

With cordial greetings from the Guardian and with his best wishes and prayers for you all,... Dearly-beloved co-workers: Your message filled my heart with joy and has powerfully reminded me of the firmness of your faith, the extent of your devotion, and the degree of your self-sacrifice and endeavours for the promotion of the Cause of God.

We all love you, we all pray for you, we all await the joyful tidings of your land. Your true brother 7 March 1925 To the beloved of the Lord and the handmaids of the Merciful in Vienna. My dearly-beloved brothers and sisters in ‘Abdu’l-Bahá!

Dearly-beloved Friends: The spirit which the entire body of the German believers have displayed, despite the hardships and trials which they have heroically endured, and are still enduring, is a magnificent example to their fellow-workers in both the East and the West, a source of great inspiration to me, and a magnet that will powerfully attract the blessings of the Almighty.