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"'I daresn't say, she murmured. 'Some will tell you it is, and some will tell you it isn't. "'In which category are you included? I asked. "'Well! she said 'I have lived here happy and comfortable forty-five years the day after to-morrow, and that speaks for itself, don't it? And with that she hobbled off and showed me the way to the dining-room. "What a house it was!

Law inquired as he and Blaze rolled away in the buckboard. "Serves me right for leaving my six-shooter at home," panted the rancher. "Well, I might have known they'd find me some day." "'They'? Who?" "That hombre and his wife the woman with the mustache. They swore they'd get me, and it looks like they will, for I daresn't raise my hand to protect myself."

"O, you daresn't go with us." "Come along!" said Tom, who had not yet learned to bear the taunts of his companion. "Get your pail." Tom got his pail, and was immediately joined by Fred and Ben, each of whom was also supplied with a pail. There was no water to be had within the camp ground, and the men were obliged to bring it in pails from the hydrants in the street.

It was one o' the biggest pigs ever raised in Claybury, but the tiger got it off as easy as possible. Bill 'ad the bravery to look out of the winder when 'e 'eard the pig squeal, but there was such a awful snarling noise that 'e daresn't move 'and or foot.

"And I'll let him know that my father has taken me and our folks all over Yurrup. Pooh! he daresn't say anything." Soothed by this conclusion, the three began throwing stones at Ben. Ben was close at hand, and the first boy who flung a missile poised and aimed with such deliberation that I was sure Ben would be hit; but the stone missed him by fully ten feet.

Oh, Dick, I've been a liar, and I daresn't go to sleep. Do you remember what I said about the Highlanders last Thursday? 'Blow the Highlanders! said Dick. 'What did ye wake me up for? 'It wasn't true, Dick, the penitent whimpered. 'I never saw a Highlander, and father didn't take me to Scotland with him. It was all made up. 'I know that, said Dick.

They redoubled their cries, which, from jeers, now became shouts of rage and mortification. "Wot are you 'bout? Give it to 'um good, I tell yer. They daresn't fire," howled the same brawny giant who had spoken before. As they continued the attack, a pistol-shot could be heard now and then from the crowd.

Determinedly they held on, working the handles desperately, Alex watching the grim, clean-shaven face and the fluttering dotted handkerchief about the pursuing man's neck with a curious fascination. At last he was parallel with them. Still running, he drew his revolver. "Stop!" he ordered. "Stop, or I'll put one through you!" "Keep it up, boy," the oiler directed sharply. "He daresn't fire.

"You infernal liars," roared Si; "if I wasn't so tired I'd lick the whole caboodle of you. But I'll say this: Any man who says that the 200th Ind. run, or that our brave Colonel run, or that any man in it run, is a low-down, measly liar, and hain't a grain a' truth in him, and he daresn't take it up."

"Bless you, missus, if dese niggers doesn't get the all-firedest walloping when I gets de chance, dey may feel glad." "Yes, but I'm afraid that you will not get the chance very soon." "Oh, dey daresn't kill me; fur if dey did, I'd hang ebery one ob dem." Despite Rosalind's painful situation, she could not but smile at the earnestness of tone in which Zeb delivered himself of this.