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The man took off his hat and scratched his head. "Leave me out of it," he said. "You won't help me to get justice for this woman?" cried Hal. "What can you do to E.M. Pierce's girl in this town?" retorted the man fiercely. "Don't he own the town?" "He doesn't own the 'Clarion." "Let the 'Clarion' go up against him, then. I daresn't." "You'll never get him," said a voice close to Hal's ear.

Oh, the devil take the Frenchies," said Jack, rolling his quid to show his pleasure of the topic, "they sits on their bottoms in Brest and L'Oriong an' talks takteek wi' their han's and mouths, and daresn't as much as show the noses o' their three-deckers in th' Bay o' Biscay, while Cap'n Jones pokes his bowsprit into every port in England with a hulk the rats have left.

I'm going to cut off my tail." "Oh, you daresn't, Teenty Graymouse!" they cried in a shrill admiring chorus. "You watch. Come back here, Tiny; you shall not tell tales to Mammy. One, two, three snip!" Off flew the long slender end of Teenty's tail. "Oh! oh! Get Dr. Grand-daddy!" cried Teenty, quite scared by the blood and pain. Grand-daddy rushed over.

Bill says she was in love with him; and when I asked him to let me see the holes where they drove in the spikes, he said he daresn't take off his clothes or he'd bleed to death. He said his own father didn't know it, because Bill was afraid it might worry the old man. "And Bill tole me they wasn't going to get him to go to Sunday-school.

When for months I have been, in fact, like a dog with his nose on your footprints, asking nothing but to lie down at your feet with his muzzle on your shoe." She impulsively felt for his hand, and pushed her own into it. "Don't say another word, Gerald. I daresn't do what you wish, I just daresn't. I'm plain scared to!

He leant his head against the bed-post and groaned. "Milly may be here at any moment," says he, "and I'll have to tell her the baby's been sent by mistake to a Dog Show! I daresn't do it," he says, "I daresn't do it." "Go on to Birmingham," I says, "and try and find it. You can catch the quarter to six and be back here before eight." "Come with me," he says; "you're a good man, come with me.

But now, instid o' callin' on Brother Binney, why, he thess said, says he: "I suppose I ought not to shirk this duty. Ef it's to be did," says he, "I reckon I ought to do it an' do it I will." You see, he daresn't allow Brother Binney to put questions, for fear he'd call out some thet his smarty grad'jates couldn't answer. So he thess claired his th'oat, an' set down a minute to consider.

If the sight of her dress sets you in such fits, what do you s'pose'll 'come of you when you set your eyes on her? and I daresn't think of the consequences of once gettin' your arm around her. Whew!" "You must pardon my feeling, Kent; but the sudden assurance that we were not mistaken or proceeding by guess, completely overcame me." "Somethin' queer come over you, no mistake."

"Why, man, burn it up; it's the constable's sword and gun, and baggonit and cartridge-box; he can't do nothing without it; why, without the warrant, he's just like a cat without claws. He daresn't touch a man without a warrant."

To the shock of a catastrophe they had to add the sinking remorse over warnings disobeyed. "What are we going to do?" chattered Johnny at last. "We got to go down and see " "I daresn't" confessed Johnny miserably. "Do you suppose he's dead?" "They'll probably put us in jail." "Come on," said Bobby at last. They arose, very giddy and uncertain on their feet.