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Updated: August 5, 2024

"With the increasing number of autos, and the decrease in horses, there is bound to be a corresponding decrease in horseshoe nails. That's a principle of economics which I am going to bring to the attention of Professor Shandy. He likes to lecture on such cute little topics as that. He might call it 'Bachelor's future depends on the ratio of increase of automobiles."

"Yes," admits Mr. Robert, "if he happened to be in the blaming mood. Anyway, young man, there you have a direct challenge. Within the next week the inner sanctum of the Corrugated Trust is to be assailed by one who claims that he can penetrate the impenetrable, know the unknowable, and unscrew the inscrutable." "Well, that's cute of him," says I. "I'm bettin', though, he never gets to his man."

Jack and Oliver gathered closer about the old lady in order to hear every word that was spoken. One brought her more tea and the other filled the sauce dish with peaches. Ned motioned to them to remain silent. "And so you expect him to drop down on you any time?" Ned asked. "Yes, my son and the boy. He's a cute little chap, Mike says. Mike was named for his father, and the lad's name is Mike, too.

Don't send a cab; the folks in the block might think I was putting on." And me? Why, I don't show on the chart at all! Right under my nose she does it, and don't even give me a sideways glance. "Pooh!" says I. "Pooh, pooh!" "What a cute little fellah!" says Tessie to him as they crowds into the elevator with the rest of the push. "Say," says I, making a jump for the grating, "you don't need to "

"But do you mean to tell me that the load you've bin carryin' is not too heavy for you?" asked Moses. "That's just what I does mean to tell you, lad. I could carry a good deal more, an' dance with it. You see, they ain't used to men o' my size, so I was able to humbug 'em into a miscalkilation. I on'y wish I could have helped you all to do the same, but they're too 'cute, as the Yankees say.

And yet, though she knew the locksmith sought to cheer her, and spoke from no conviction of his own, she was glad to hear even this praise of her poor benighted son. 'He will be a 'cute man yet, resumed the locksmith. 'Take care, when we are growing old and foolish, Barnaby doesn't put us to the blush, that's all.

Cute little things, them spools are, too; about six feet high, three wide, and weighin' a ton or so each, I should judge. And to make the job of movin' 'em all the merrier an old cement mixer has been at work right next to 'em and the surplus concrete has been thrown out until they've been bedded in as solid as so many bridge piers. I climbs around and takes a look.

If we're peaceable, what's to prevent you from givin' us a passage back to San Francisco, where we're known an' where we'll have at least a fightin' chance to git somethin' to eat occasionally." "You know mighty well what's to prevent me, Gib. I ain't got no passenger license, an' I'll be keel-hauled an' skull-dragged if I fall for your cute little game, my son.

I shouldn't wonder if when she wuz dead tired of the cares, formalities and burdens of a queen, she wished she wuz one of them happy young girls riding off in a cotton frock on the old farm wagon into some joyous picnic. The other one of hern wuz a cute little donkey and over all on 'em wuz bright sunlight and soft shadow. They done well.

With undiminished confidence, though somewhat annoyed, Princeman made a cute little knot of himself for the next batsman. Spat! The ball landed in Sam's glove, two feet wide of the plate. "Ball one!" called Blackstone. Spat! In Sam's glove again, with the batsman jumping back to save his ribs. "Ball two!" cried Blackstone. Spat! "Ball three."

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