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"Well, that's the only thing in God's world that wasn't made to order for these sheepmen; the old Salagua cuts right square across the country east and west without consultin' nobody, not even Jim Swope, and the sheep move north and south. "How'd you like to have the job of crossing a hundred thousand borregos and half of 'em with lambs, when the rio was on a bender?

Anyway, after consultin' one of his lieutenants he gives her the word that if Private Mears don't pull any more cut-up stuff between now and a week from Wednesday he'll probably have forty-eight hours comin' to him. And for a minute there I thought both Vee and I were let in for a fond clinch act with Miss Casey. As it is she takes it out in pattin' Vee's hand and callin' her Dearie.

But I didn't feel he-hawy a bit; for it was up to me to tow Mallory's swell college chum and his sister in where the boy was jugglin' the file cases. And them lookin' for him to be sittin' in a swing chair with his name painted big on the door! That was when I dug up my fool thought. "Cards!" says I. "I'll see if Mr. Mallory's got through consultin' with the general manager." "Oh!" gurgles Sis.

Ford," said Uncle Ben, wiping away an embarrassed smile with the back of his hand, "that is, to be square with you, WHY I thought of consultin' you. I didn't keer to have McKinstry, and" he added hurriedly, "in course Harrison, too, know that I bought up the title to thur boundary." "I understand," nodded the master. "I shouldn't think you would." "Why shouldn't ye?" asked Uncle Ben quickly.

And when I'd figured on that a while, and remembered how you and the boss here was allays consultin' together, and how you seemed to feel jest 's if you'd got stock in us, somehow, it come to me all of a heap." "What came to you?" asked Joyce, her brilliant eyes flashing a laughing glance towards her seat-mate.

"'Before I ends what I has to say, goes on Enright, 'I wants to thank our townsman, Mister Hamilton, for consultin' of the Stranglers prior to a killin'. It shows he's a law-abidin' gent an' a credit to the camp. An' mighty likely he prolongs his stay on earth.

"I would just as soon think of consultin' little Sid an' he's goin' on three about the housekeepin' as I would his father. It ain't a man's work. Why should he know anything about it?" "Still," demurred Nora, "lots of men look after themselves somehow." "Somehow's just the word; they never get beyond that. Of course I knew Frank would be sure to marry some day.

A little locoed, an' just the crittur to pull off a fool stunt like that. When the fire swept up the valley, instead of down, he made his get-away and has never been seen since. I reckon likely there was someone in Landson's gang capable o' drivin' pegs without consultin' the boss."

"You sit there from morning till night and won't say anything; and now, when there's only one block out, you won't give the word to buy it." "N-never told you to buy anything, did I Ed?" "No," answered Mr. Batch, "you haven't. I don't know what the devil's got into you." "D-done all the payin' without consultin' me, hain't you, Ed?" "Yes; I have. What are you driving at?"

"Just that," says J. Bayard. "While your methods are not always of the subtlest, I must concede that at times your er native intuition " "Top floor all out!" I breaks in. "You mean I can do a quick frame-up without feelin' the party's bumps or consultin' the cards? Maybe I can. But I ain't strong for moochin' around these oolong joints among the draped tunics and vanity boxes."