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Poor Lady C , with so many estimable qualities, what a pity it is she should have this weakness! She maintained in our conversation yesterday that true love could never be extinguished in the heart, and that even in age it burnt with the same fire as when first kindled. I quoted to her a passage from Le Brun, who says "L'amour peut s'éteindre sans doute dans le coeur d'un galant homme; mais combien de dédommagements n'a-t-il pas alors

Those were days when the benevolently international M. de Porquet had begun to act as interpreter to English schools in the portico of the French language; and under his guidance it was asked, in contempt of the answer, Combien de postes d'ici a Douvres? But, accepting the rumour as a piece of information, the answer became important. Ici was twenty miles to the north-west of London.

Cette faiblesse de vue est pour moi une terrible privation; sans cela, savez-vous ce que je ferais, Monsieur? J'ecrirais un livre et je le dedierais a mon maitre de litterature, au seul maitre que j'aie jamais eu a vous, Monsieur! Je vous ai dit souvent en francais combien je vous respecte, combien je suis redevable a votre bonte, a vos conseils. Je voudrais le dire une fois en anglais.

How long would it take Matey to reach Donvres? Or at which of the combien did he intend to waylay and away with Aminta? The boys went about pounding at the interrogative French phrase in due sincerity, behind the burlesque of traveller bothering coachman.

Boileau wrote some such thing, and Arnaud struck it out, saying, "Vous gagnerez deux ou trois impies, et perdrez je ne scais combien des honnettes gens." These fellows want to say a daring thing, and don't know how to go about it. Mere poets know no more of fundamental principles than . Here he was interrupted somehow. Mrs. Thrale mentioned Dryden.

Ainsi vous disiez tous le climat dont vous êtes, Devant ces arbres morts que vous consideriez, Et moi, voyant tomber tant de jeunes poètes, Hélas, combien de fois j'ai crié: "Les lauriers!" I love it. Yet I don't quite agree with the beautiful turning at the end, because the laurels of the soldier-poets aren't really dead, nor can they ever die.

"Before breakfast repeat forty times over, Un-tres-gros-rat-dans-un-tres-gros-trou, in order to vibrate the r. "Before dinner repeat forty times: Combien ces six saucisses-ci? C'est six sous, ces six saucisses-ci. Six sous ces six saucisses-ci? Six sous ceux-ci! Six sous ceux-la; six sous ces six saucissons-ci! in order to learn not to whizz the s.

Nota. La manière dont notre voyageur annonce ici la relation du Napolitain, annonce combien peu il y croyoit; et en cela le bon sens qu'il a montré jusqu'

His wife said: "Well, ask him what he'll take for his picture, first," and Burton returned and said with brutal directness, while he pointed at the canvas with his stick, "Combien?" When Ludlow looked round up at him and answered with a pleasant light in his eye, "Well, I don't know exactly. What'll you give?" Burton spared his life, and became his friend.

En attendant, j'ai hate de vous remercier de tout ce que vous me dites sur ma situation actuelle et sur l'interet que vous y portez. Je vous remercie egalement de ce que vous avez ecrit sur ce sujet a la fin du dernier numero de la Revue d'Edimbourg. On sent en lisant ce morceau combien celui qui l'a ecrit aime et connait bien la France. Il a ete fort remarque chez nous.