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To think that he should be thus helping, with all his strength, to extend the walls of the Thebes of the oppressor, made him half mad. Poor Israel! well-named bondsman in the English Egypt. But he drowned the thought by still more recklessly spattering with his ladle: "What signifies who we be, or where we are, or what we do?" Slap-dash! "Kings as clowns are codgers who ain't a nobody?" Splash!

You wouldn't want me to have as many wives as those old codgers down there below, would you?" "No I'm sure you shouldn't have but one. Oh, you couldn't marry more than one, could you?" She turned her eyes for the first time upon him, and he saw that some inward warmth seemed to be melting them. "Well, I'd hate to disappoint you if you were my sister, but there's the word of the Lord "

"It was the longest time before I could place those names," she chattered. "'Buck & Avery, Consolidated Aggregation, says I to myself. 'Buck & Avery, I says. And, thinks I, them two old codgers must have gone to Kingdom Come, for I'm let's see I'm twenty, or something like that, years younger than either of you, as I remember." She poked each one jovially with her parasol.

"Don't see any need of it," remarked Tom, rubbing his eyes. "We're probably miles away from any living thing and there's nothing to watch for except ghosts. There ought to be plenty of those around in a place so old as this. But who wants to watch for ghosts? I'd rather be asleep than awake if any of those old codgers come perambulating around." "Quit your kidding," replied Frank with a laugh.

"You have nothing to be ashamed of," said she; "we know you are innocent." "Thank you kindly, Miss Price," said he with quaint, old courtesy that came to him from some cavalier of Cromwell's day. "I thought you'd better meet Alice," explained the colonel, "and get acquainted with her, for young people have tastes in common that old codgers like me have outgrown.

"He was a pretty cay poy in those days, heigh, Lindau?" asked Fulkerson, burlesquing the old man's accent, with an impudent wink that made Lindau himself laugh. "But in the dark ages, I mean, there in Indianapolis. Just how long ago did you old codgers meet there, anyway?"

"No lamb could come milder than Godby, aye lambs, doves and babes is roaring lions compared wi' Godby so easy does it. What is't this time, codgers?" "Fower hours i' the pillory, three i' the stocks, and a month in Maidstone jail and that's what!" "And enough too!" growled Roger the landlord, clenching hairy fist and glancing furtively towards a rusty sword suspended above the hearth.

"Some of us were talking about that the other night at the club, and one of the fellows was saying that he believed there was as much old-fashioned, quiet, almost countrified life in New York, among the great mass of the people, as you'd find in any city in the world. Said you met old codgers that took care of their own furnaces, just as you would in a town of five thousand inhabitants."

"That's right," commented the genial Major, "go to sleep while you can; the General won't take it amiss eh? What? Oh, don't mind me, my son. Old codgers like me can get along without such luxuries as sleep. It's the young lads who require sleep. Eh? Yes, sir; I'm serious. Wait till you see sixty year!

Dayton recorded, "the last stopping place for codgers, old and young.