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Raft had told her story before reaching Cape Town and the loss of the Gaston de Paris was now old news in Europe, and the fact that of all the Gaston's crowd only the beautiful Cléo de Bromsart had been saved.

"This may look like an excursion, girls," said Cleo, "but it feels like an expedition. I'm quivering with excitement." "And I'm all goose flesh with apprehension," followed Louise. "How do we know what we are going to run into on Looney Land?" "We don't. There would be no fun in it if we did," Grace told her. "I've come armed.

Finally, when all four girls had succeeded in keeping the boat balanced and dragging him into it, he gave one painful gasp, closed his eyes, and sank into unconsciousness. "WHERE shall we take him?" asked Grace in dismay. "To the landing," replied Cleo, who still rowed with Margaret, while Julia clung to the stern of the boat in horror. The boy looked so lifeless! Could he be dead?

And see, I was right!" "I think I hear Kitty coming," said Grace. "Yes, here she is." "Well, I never," called Kitty gleefully. "Look who blew in!" "Hello, Kitty," called back Cleo, delighted to notice the high spirits Kitty flaunted. "We just did blow in from the bay to make a very early call. Hope we haven't interrupted any gardening?"

But she had scarcely got through the phrase when a piercing cat-call shrilled through the house from the back of the pit. Almost simultaneously a derisive howl came from the gallery; and then an appalling hissing, hooting, and groaning broke on Cleo with the force of a tempest that drove towards her from all points. She turned a defiant face to it and gave the house a blazing look of contempt.

"No matter how carefully we arrange it," she protested to Cleo on the porch of the Log Cabin, "some of the girls insist on crowding in other things. Now, to-day we were to go canoeing, and here comes Julia, telephoning to every one of us to go sailing in a sail boat."

I have wanted one for such a long time." His voice was wistful, and his blue eyes were fastened on the boat, that through the trees could be seen, rocking on the water's edge, where Tommie waited. "Where is Kitty?" asked Cleo without answering the appeal for a long delayed boat ride. "She's busy with Uncle Pete," replied Royal.

He remembered the beautiful Mademoiselle de Lacy who had run off and married a groom; could it be possible that Cléo contemplated any such mad act with that terrific sailor man? The idea chilled his heart.

"Hurry along!" called Grace, who was impatiently waiting for Cleo and Madaline, both of whom seemed to enjoy lagging while Grace wanted to be early rather than late. "Don't you know we have to take our tests and Captain Clark ordered us to be at headquarters at seven-fifteen sharp?" "All right," responded Cleo, "but here come Mable Blake and Mildred Clark.

"Don't go turning crabbed, or getting fishy, or even mermaiding in this room, Grace," teased Cleo. "It is so effective I should rather fear the effect taking root. Just look at this real little alligator and he is actually strong enough to sit on! Did you ever see anything so cunning?" It was all very novel, and everyone decided "Rosabell" was one of the prettiest cottages in Sea Crest.