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At this moment, after a discreet knock on the door, my valet Clegg entered. "Sir," said he in his soft and toneless voice, "the groom is below; shall you ride or drive this morning?" "Neither!" I answered, whereupon Clegg bowed and withdrew. "Excellent!" nodded Anthony. "Nothing like walking to make an empty stomach aware of its vacuity.

"Why, Susan, I thought you " began Mrs. Lathrop, her mouth and eyes both popping widely open. "I did, an' I've got through an' I've come home." Miss Clegg advanced into the kitchen as she spoke and abruptly deposited her belongings upon the table and herself upon a chair.

Lathrop," said Susan Clegg one pleasant May evening, as she and her devoted listener leaned their elbows on the top rail of the fence, "I can't but thank Heaven as these boards is the only thing as you ever take opposite sides from me on.

After a few minutes Miss Clegg put her handkerchief back in her pocket and turned a sad and solemn, yet tender look upon her companion. "Lord knows I'm done with relations from this day on," she said slowly but with great distinctness. "I feel like hereafter I'll be content with jus' you, Mrs. Lathrop, 'n' I can't say nothin' stronger f'r what I've jus' lived through." Mrs.

There was a short stop for a fresh supply of breath. "I wonder 'f " began Mrs. Lathrop. "The difficulty o' all things in this world," Miss Clegg went on promptly, "is 't if you have any brains a tall you 're bound to have so much work for 'em.

Mrs. Lathrop made no reply to this frank comment on her liveliness, and after a short pause, Miss Clegg sighed heavily a second time, and continued: "It's been a full day, a awful full day. In the first place the rooster was woke by accident last night an' he up an' woke me.

My Loveliness has the eye of a hawk, you'll understand hasn't seen me for a whole month nothing like first impressions, begad. Feels like an accursed sack, I tell you " "Gentlemen, the carriage awaits!" murmured Clegg from the doorway. "What already?" cried Anthony, clapping on his hat and reaching for his surtout. "You forget we're Lord Wyvelstoke's privileged guests.

"He looks like a workman, miss, very old, and rather dotey." "Who can it be? Go and ask him his name again." Esther would then arouse her mother; and the maid would come in to say that at last the old man had been persuaded to confide his name as Clegg Samuel Clegg. "Tell the missus it's Samuel Clegg," the old man had said, with a certain amusing conceit.

Actually, he was only a remote courtesy uncle, having married their father's mother's sister. "Oh, of course, Uncle Clegg," said Esther, a true daughter of her mother; "but, you see, it's a long time since we saw you." "And this is Dorcas. Come and kiss your uncle, Dorcas. And this is Matilda," said Mrs. Mesurier. "Ay," said the old man, "and you're all growing up such fine young ladies.

'Not on my steps! he shrieked, poundin' with his cane 'n' shakin' with his fist, 'not on my steps, he howled louder 'n all below, 'not while I 'm alive! not while I c'n prevent! not while I c'n help it! no Clegg sits afore me, not now 'n' not never! You c'n imagine, Mrs. Lathrop, 's I didn't get very far to sat down under them circumstances.