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The weeding had been so strenuous that Miss Clegg was quite disposed to stop and rest, and as she joined her neighbor and read the keen interest that never failed to glow in the latter's eyes, her own expression softened slightly and she took up her end of the conversation with her customary capability at giving forth. "I don't know," she began, "an' Mr. Kimball don't know either.

"But " expostulated the listener. "Well, now this is how it was," said Miss Clegg; "an' I'll begin 'way back in the beginnin' so you 'll have it all straight, for it's very needful to have it straight so as to understand just why she is so nigh to half mad. For Mrs.

"All right, 'n' when you've got it off, come right over 'n' you'll find me in the kitchen waitin' for you." Mrs. Lathrop returned to her own house to shed her apron and wash her hands, and then sallied over to view Mr. Clegg. The two friends mounted the stair together, and entered the old man's room.

He evidently had been to America and back in that short afternoon. "Well, Mary, good-bye," he said; "one never knows whether we shall meet again. I'm getting an old man." "Eh, Uncle Clegg, you're worth twenty dead ones yet," said Mrs. Mesurier, reassuringly. "What a strange old gentleman!" said Mrs. Turtle, somewhat bewildered, as this family apparition left the room.

People did not send their children to Sunday school; they took them. Noah Clegg was the superintendent, and old Sandy McLachlan assistant. Noah operated at the end where the platform stood, while Sandy officiated at the door, ushering in the pupils, and often during the session, calling out instructions to Noah from his end of the building.

"Not till after I get my supper," the other replied. Mrs. Lathrop sighed, and forced herself to further patience. It was all of seven when Miss Clegg finally came over. "I'll sit on the steps," she announced. "Bein' 's we're such friends, Mrs. Lathrop, I may 's well say right here 'n' now 't I would n't sit down in your kitchen this night for no money.

On Wednesday, between the intense heat and the equally intense excitement engendered by Mr. Kimball's suggestion, the town was rife with a hive-like tumult. Miss Clegg went down to return Mrs. Macy's call soon after dinner, and when she got back it was all of six. Mrs.

He says 't he's been 'n' took some black chalk 'n' marked around under him 'Sacred to the memory of Blank Clegg, 'n' he says 't it looks so noble 't he's had an offer for the monument 'n' he wants me to come in 'n' see it afore he sells it to to some one else." There was a short silence, broken at last by Mrs. Lathrop. "Your father's name wa'n't 'Blank," she said; "it was 'Henry."

"There wasn't time," explained Sadie Sanderson, who, with Violet Gorton and Tattie Clegg, occupied, in a tight fit, the interior of the wheelbarrow. "It was all done at a day's notice. Geraldine's been telling me the whole history." "Well?" "Mr. Gifford got suddenly exempted, and was made Governor of some outlandish place with an unpronounceable name in Burma. He telegraphed to Mrs.

Miss Keating frowned severely and tapped her little foot somewhat impatiently on the floor; but Bobby would not be hurried. His reflections were too serious. This letter from New York had come with a force sufficient to drive out even the indignant thoughts concerning one Miss Clegg. For the life of him, Bobby Rigby could not immediately frame a reply to the startling missive.