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Pauline sprang from her chair, her eyes blazing, her little hands clinched, her whole frame vibrating with the lust for revenge. "If I thought " "Citizeness, I am your friend," said Latour. "We will find out. At present, Lucien Bruslart is not to be found. For three days, ever since your escape, mark you, he has not been near his apartment." "You shall help me," said Pauline, savagely.

The French nation saw the English citizen and citizeness no caricature, but the living reality and their indignation exploded in laughter. The success of the stratagem prompted them later on to offer their services to the German Government, with the beneficial results that we all know. Our own Government might learn the lesson.

"Then your whole service has been abstention from positive treachery for your own ends?" "You dare me? Caution, citizeness! You are in my power." "In your power? You are a coward as well as a knave, then?" "Remember still more," he hissed, losing all control of himself, "that your lover also is in my power; he is captured." "My God! you have brought us to this!" she cried.

Soon joyous voices resounded through the corridor; the door of their cell was violently opened, and a few municipal officers entered to announce to the Citizeness Madame Fontenay that she was free, and bade her accompany them into the carriage waiting below to drive her to the house of Citizen Tallien.

This was promptly done, and the leading citizeness, after a closer cross-examination, consented to take the girl under her brusque wing, and lodged her in her own rather resplendent house. This was comparatively satisfactory, and Bill breathed his relief. But hard upon this came the more alarming realization that Charlie did not return home on Sunday night.

"Nothing, citizen," replied petite maman, "what should we poor folk know of an English milor?" "You know at any rate this much, citizeness, that the English milor helped your son Pierre to escape from justice." "If that is so," said petite maman quietly, "it cannot be wrong for a mother to pray to God to bless her son's preserver."

It's beautiful to be just a solid citizeness!" From the Gopher Prairie Weekly Dauntless: One of the most charming affairs of the season was held Tuesday evening at the handsome new residence of Sam and Mrs. Clark when many of our most prominent citizens gathered to greet the lovely new bride of our popular local physician, Dr. Will Kennicott.

The hovel of a cutter of wood into lengths for burning, was the only house at that end; all else was wall. On the third day of her being there, he noticed her. "Good day, citizeness." "Good day, citizen." This mode of address was now prescribed by decree. It had been established voluntarily some time ago, among the more thorough patriots; but, was now law for everybody.

"Now then, calotin," said the first soldier with an oath, "this is none of your business. Forward! march!" he added, addressing his men, "and you, Citizeness, will find it wiser to come quietly along and not to attempt any tricks with me, or the gag and manacles will have to be used." But Marguerite had no intention of resisting.

He manifested no disposition to divide his vast possessions with the mob in Paris, and to send his wife to work with the washer-women, and his daughter to a factory, and to earn himself his daily bread by menial toil. And the washer-women were asking, "Why should we toil at the tub, and Citizeness Orleans ride in her carriage and dress in satins? We are as good as she, and our blood is as red."