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The delegates appealed to their hosts of the British Foreign Office. Unless the chiel amang them takin' notes was discovered and the leak stopped, they declared the conference must end. Spurred on by questions in Parliament, by appeals from the great banking world, by criticisms not altogether unselfish from the other newspapers, the Foreign Office surrounded St.

Doom is nothing beside a elderly woman quite a chiel in her hands!" A movement was now heard along the upstairs passage, and footsteps descending. The door at the foot of the stairs opened, and the second Mrs. Day appeared in view, looking fixedly at the table as she advanced towards it, with apparent obliviousness of the presence of any other human being than herself.

The minister, in acknowledging the epistle of his old friend, commences his reply as follows: "Did e'er a cuif tak' up a quill, Wha ne'er did aught that he did well, To gar the muses rant and reel, An' flaunt and swagger, Nae doubt ye 'll say 't is that daft chiel Old Dite McGregore!"

But they knew her only as a Lady of the Bedchamber, first to the deceased Queen Philippa, and now to the Queen of Castile, and therefore deserving of all possible subservience. Of her husband they never thought at all. The "chiel amang 'em takin' notes" made no impression on them: but five centuries have passed since then, and the chiel's notes are sterling yet in England.

There dwelt my gudesire, Steenie Steenson; a rambling, rattling chiel' he had been in his young days, and could play weel on the pipes; he was famous at "hoopers and girders," a' Cumberland couldna touch him at "Jockie Lattin," and he had the finest finger for the back-lilt between Berwick and Carlisle.

Man, Saunders cam tae me a haflin, and hes been on Drumsheugh for twenty years, an' though he be a dour chiel, he's a faithfu' servant as ever lived. It's waesome tae see him lyin' there moanin' like some dumb animal frae mornin' tae nicht, an' no able tae answer his ain wife when she speaks. "Div ye think, Weelum, he hes a chance?"

Now then, stand up, Susan, and show yourself." "Don't, my chiel," whispered a buxom staylace dealer in voluminous petticoats, who sat near the woman; "yer good man don't know what he's saying." The woman, however, did stand up. "Now, who's auctioneer?" cried the hay-trusser. "I be," promptly answered a short man, with a nose resembling a copper knob, a damp voice, and eyes like button-holes.

'Why, I've got my arms round the very gentlewoman at this moment. He lowered the end of the coffin he was holding, wiped his face, and throwing a morsel of rotten wood upon another as an indicator, continued: 'That's her husband there. They was as fair a couple as you should see anywhere round about; and a good-hearted pair likewise. Ay, I can mind it, though I was but a chiel at the time.

She's less of a bride than a bairn, She's ta'en like a colt from the heather, With sense and discretion to learn. A chiel maun be patient and steady That yokes with a mate in her teens. Woo'd and Married and A' A gentleman stood waiting at the door of a house not far from the Winchester barracks. 'Is my brother at home, James? as the servant gave a start of surprise and recognition.

Martin taking possession of the young stranger, I did not interfere, but followed Pat, who had been led into the house. Though the poor fellow had apparently lost his senses, he certainly had not lost his appetite, and as soon as the food was placed before him he began to devour it eagerly. "Let him take his meat," observed Sandy. "It'll do the chiel gude.