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Then the boy did as his master commanded, but the Hen forsaking the Pannier, came toward her master and laid at his feet not an Egge, which every man knoweth, but a Chickin with feathers, clawes, and eyes, which incontinently ran peeping after his damme.

"Why did you go?" "Why, my dear sir," said the professor, regarding him with sorrowful egg-stained countenance; "in the interests of science, of course. We would not have been attacked at all if Rastus had not tried to catch a penguin. What for, I cannot imagine." "Why, perfusser, you done say dey tas' lak chickin," ruefully cried the black man. "Did I?" exclaimed the man of science.

Wa'al, I says, 'one year when the poultry was comin' along, a family o' skunks moved onto the premises an' done so well that putty soon, as the elder said, it seemed to him that it was comin' to be a ch'ice between the chickin bus'nis an' the skunk bus'nis, an' though he said he'd heard the' was money in it, if it was done on a big enough scale, he hadn't ben edicated to it, he said, and didn't take to it any ways.

Mebbee he thought he'd like to get a holt a suthin' himself, even if it was only some of that yar chickin and port wine!" I have a family boarding here, with a sick daughter. You don't think " I seed you and her pre-ambulating down the hill, lockin' arms. A good deal o' style, Jeff fancy! expensive! How does Aunt Sally take it?" A slight shaking of the floor and window a dead silence. Silence.

He laughed behind his tea-cup as he fingered the chicken on his lap. "As to that," he murmured, "there's only a few things worth knowing. If you can just forget the rest, you're all right." "I see," she replied beneath her breath. "But but it's got to be plucked and cleaned and cooked first, hasn't it?" "The chickin?" he laughed. "Oh, dear me, no!

Mebbee he heard afterwards suthin' about the goin's on up yar. Mebbee he heard suthin' o' property bein' converted into ready cash sich property ez horses, guns, and sich! Mebbee he heard o' gay and festive doin's chickin every day, fresh eggs, butcher's meat, port wine, and sich! Mebbee he allowed that his chances o' gettin' his own honest grub outer his debt was lookin' mighty slim!

"Is everything all right?" asked Uncle Felix presently, anxious to see that he was well provided for. "Everything, thank you," the wanderer replied, "and, if you don't mind, I'll 'ave my supper here later too. I've brought it with me." And out of one capacious pocket he produced a bird. "It's a chickin," he informed them, as they stared with wide-opened eyes.

'S I told you, he done his best. I was willin' to quit long 'fore he was. Fact was, he overdone it a little, an' he had to throw water in my face 'fore he got through; an' he done that as thorough as the other thing. I was somethin' like a chickin jest out o' the cistern. I crawled off to bed the best I could, but I didn't lay on my back fer a good spell, I c'n tell ye."

The trouble all originated when Rastus had sneaked up to a small penguin while the professor was busy extracting an egg from a nest, and with a cry of: "Oh, you lubly lilly chickin, ah hev yo fer supper, sho nuff," had grabbed the creature.

The incident passed without making any impression upon the minds of any but Thaddeus junior, who, taking his cue from Harry, vociferously asserted that he, too, wished a glass of milk, and in such terms as made the assertion tantamount to an ultimatum. Then Miss Jennie seemed to think it was her turn. "Hi doan't care fer stike. Hi wants chickin," said she. "I'n't there goin' ter be no kikes?"