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Updated: August 23, 2024

I turned upon him and said, 'Sir, this is no talk for a gentleman to listen to. I said it because I knew it was what he would expect. Then I turned on my heel and left him without a word. He ground his teeth and hissed, 'A time will come. But Cheriton seems rather a rude man, all the same. He hurts my feelings too, whenever I meet him.

I think I must have dropped the tassels pretty soon, for he came to a great book lying open on a chair, and forgot everything else, and stood there for an hour reading it. I never asked him to play again, but we used to laugh over it when we were big I mean when I was big, and had grown up to him a little bit." Mrs. Cheriton laid her hand on the girl's head, and smoothed her hair tenderly.

That's why I'm tired I expect. And because there was a Mr. Cheriton, who stared, and seemed somehow to have taken against us didn't he, Hilary? Or perhaps it was only his queer manners, dear Jim. Anyhow, he made me feel shy. It takes it out of one, not being liked. Nervous prostration, like poor Mr. Vyvian. So let's go to bed, Hilary, and leave these two to watch together." "Give me the froglet."

"The roads," he announced, are not very bad beyond the bridge. That is the worst spot, and I have sent down a gang to clear it. Our guests ought to be able to depart before noon, though I won't answer for the road Yeovil Way. One carrier Allworthy has come through to the bridge, but says he passed Solomon's van in a drift about four miles back, this side of the Cheriton oak.

"I gave you but one false name," he said slowly "the name of Cheriton. To be sure I, was never christened John, but I'm Jack to my intimates. It was my nickname from a baby. Jack's what I've always been called at home Jack's what, in the dear old days at Torquay, you always called me.

Grave subjects, like the blue of the sea or the shape of a goblet, he approached with the same solidity of earnestness which he brought to bear on sand cathedrals. It was just this that made him a little tiring. But the three together on the sands made a happy and congruous party of absorbed children, till Cheriton the energetic came swinging back over the sand-hills.

As soon as I saw that it was not Tom Faggus, I went no farther to meet him, counting that it must be some traveller bound for Brendon or Cheriton, and likely enough he would come and beg for a draught of milk or cider; and then on again, after asking the way.

At last Margaret cried, "Who were these people, Aunt Faith? Were they princesses, or runaway Indian begums, or what? They certainly cannot have been simple gentlewomen!" Mrs. Cheriton laughed her soft, rustling laugh. "It is a curious old Montfort custom," she said; "it has come down through many generations, I believe.

He said you couldn't have known. Cheriton told him he was sure you had. It seems Cheriton was right." It seemed that he was. Peter imagined that Cheriton would always be right. After a moment's silence Peter gathered that they were all waiting to hear if he had anything to say about it. He hadn't much, but he might as well say it, such as it was.

In one corner stood a laburnum-tree, covered with yellow blossoms; under a tall elm near by was a rustic seat. "How do you like my kingdom?" asked the old lady, smiling at their eager faces. "It is like a fairy place!" said Margaret. "You are quite sure you are real, Mrs. Cheriton?" They smiled at each other, feeling friends already. "'Mrs.

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