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How was I to know the hard? I was only a chee-ild. What was there left but etchings and pictures and fans? Was it my fault that I never had to sweat?" The older man looked at his nephew with unconcealed disgust. He had no patience with levity from the lips of softness. "Well, I'm going to take another one of those what-you-call masculine vacations. Suppose I asked you to come along?"

And Josie Fifer caught up a couch cover for a cloak, with the scarf that was about her neck for a veil, and, using Hahn himself as the ailing chee-ild, gave a biting burlesque of the famous bedside visit that brought the tears of laughter to his eyes, and the nurse flying from down the hall. "This won't do," said that austere person. "Won't, eh? Go on and stick your old thermometer in my mouth.

When the villain kidnaps little Effie you have to make her mother claw some chunks out of the atmosphere, and scream: "Me chee-ild, me chee-ild!" What she would actually do would be to call up the police by 'phone, ring for some strong tea, and get the little darling's photo out, ready for the reporters.

How was I to know the hard? I was only a chee-ild. What was there left but etchings and pictures and fans? Was it my fault that I never had to sweat?" The older man looked at his nephew with unconcealed disgust. He had no patience with levity from the lips of softness. "Well, I'm going to take another one of those what-you-call masculine vacations. Suppose I asked you to come along?"

Miss Andrews 'll have to cook up an explanation of her own herself when she finds she has to." "She can get it out of a Drury Lane melodrama," said Jennings, with great humour. "You'll have to sit down some night, Miss Andrews, and say, 'The time has come, me chee-ild, when I must tell you All'." In this manner were Mrs. Gareth-Lawless and her maternal affections discussed below stairs.

"Some orator, Jennie," commented Helen. "We are just beginning to appreciate you." "You will all be sorry that you did not treat me better especially as a chee-ild," returned the plump bride, with mock solemnity. "Think! Think how you all used to abuse my my appetite at Briarwood Hall.

But my prophetic soul tells me you will have to strangle the excellent Olaf Gueldmar heavens! what a name! before you will be allowed to make love to his fair chee-ild. Then don't forget the madman with the torch, he may turn up in the most unexpected fashion and give you no end of trouble. But, by Jove, it is a romantic affair, positively quite stagey! Something will come of it, serious or comic.

Yet she loves me not! It is streeange!" Then changing his bass to a shrill falsetto: "It is a cold and dismal night: the snow falls fast. I will leave me 'at and umbrella be'ind the door and go out for a walk with the chee-ild. Aha! who is this? 'E also 'as forgotten 'is umbrella. Ah, now I know 'im in the pitch dark by 'is cigarette! Villain, murderer, silly josser! it is you!"

Maybe I used it all up, back in those old kid days when I ran away to be 'Nita' and played at being 'the abused chee-ild'. Remember?" "Oh, don't we!" cried Helen and some of the other girls. Something dropped on Tom Cameron's plate. He glanced up, then down again at the object that had fallen. It was a piece of plaster from the ceiling. Chess Copley likewise shot a glance ceilingward.

He shook his fists towards the open window, and cried out threats of vengeance on William, but those were soon drowned in another blast from the megaphone. "Get on to Lucien, ladies and gents, the chee-ild wonder of the century." It was then that Lucien, with a final shake of his fists, turned and fled.