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Bowers that if she were one of those odious persons who carried tales, which of course she was not, she could expose the carryings-on of somebody living not a hundred miles away to a tune which would bring the blush to New Babylon's outraged cheek. Mrs.

"I am astonished he does not want five thousand pounds. Father, I would not send him a sovereign of it. Julius told me about his carryings-on." She could hardly have said any words so favorable to Harry's cause. The squire was on the defensive for his own side in a moment. "What has Julius to do with it?" he cried. "Sandal-Side is not his property, and please God it never will be.

Budge, stepping forward and placing her bulk between Harkness and Susy. "Bringing this fever what's in the village to this house! Not if my name's Hannah Budge. We've had just 'bout as much of these common carryings-on as I'll stand for with Madame away and " "But, oh, please, Mrs. Budge, Susy's very sick and her grandmother's just died and she's all alone! Harkness, won't you?"

Through the door came a torrent of high-pitched speech. "Yer little tough, reform! reform! What yer mean by such carryings-on? I know yer record. Beware of God, little devil...." On and on it went, and Rhona, dazed, wondered what new terror it foreboded. But then without warning the talk switched. "Yer know who I am?" "Who?" quavered Rhona. "The matron." "Yes?" "I divorced him, I did." "Yes."

Also, her caution was at once aroused, and she answered the question, Scotch-wise, by another question: "What for are you requiring to see Sophy, Madame?" "Is she in the house?" "Shall I go and see?" "Go and see, indeed! You know well she is not. You know she is away somewhere, walking or driving with my son with the heir of Braelands. Oh, I have heard all about their shameful carryings-on."

His carryings-on are as diverse in kind, as comprehensive in scope, as those of the most versatile negro minstrel. He cuts as many capers in a lifetime as there are stars in heaven or grains of sand in a barrel of sugar. Everything is fish that comes to his net. If a discovery in science is announced, he will execute you an antic upon it before it gets fairly cold.

"Where's you-un been all day, Miss P'tricia?" she enquired, severely. "If you don't mind, Sarah I'm very hungry and tired I won't go into that at present. I had something very important to see to." "Humph!" Sarah grunted. "Nice doings, worrying your pore aunt near to 'straction the doctor, he ain't come home to dinner to hear 'bout your carryings-on.

I meant to tell him what my opinion was of him and of his doings; for there was carryings-on that I didn't approve of, and it's my belief that in those very carryings-on lies the key of the mystery. I've thought it all out in prison, slow-like at nights when I lay in bed, and days when I was hewing stone. I won't tell you the story, my pretty; it ain't fit for the likes of you.

Moved, as it would seem, to exceeding Anger and implacable Disgust by the carryings-on of Captain Night and his merry men in Charlwood Chase, the King's Ministers put forth a Proclamation against us, promising heavy Blood Money to any who would deliver us, or any one member of the Gang, into the hands of Authority. This Proclamation came at first to little.

He wasn't scared, at least not of these two women, although I'm right sure Mrs. Ellison and he might have had reason to be scared of the law in some of their carryings-on before now. It is easy enough to see that Mrs. Ellison never was Miss Lady's mother." "No," said Eddring, "that couldn't have been. Some day we'll know all about that. A good lawyer might get at the truth, even yet."