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"I had some very important business to transact," Patricia answered loftily, the mantle of her aunt's manner still enveloping her. "I guess I'll go put my apron on now." Sarah sniffed indignantly, "You needn't tell me dere ain't some foolishness afoot," she declared. "What time was you-un 'spectin' the comin' cer'mony to commence?" she asked, when Patricia came in to her solitary dinner.

"I think it will now," Patricia answered; her tone so full of some hidden enjoyment that Sarah glanced at her suspiciously. "Miss Julia, she done left word for you-un to do everything like you know she'd want you to, Miss P'tricia." Patricia selected a pair of earrings from the finest of Sarah's bowl of cherries. "Don't you worry, Sarah."

"And if Susy Vail hasn't a gingham apron, I'll lend her one; she seems the sort of girl not to have one," Patricia confided to Custard, as they once more made their way towards the house. If only the coast were clear! Sarah was on the back piazza, pitting cherries, but Sarah was easily managed. "My sakes, Miss P'tricia!" Sarah lifted her plump hands in horror, "whatever is you-un been up to now?"

Or was she plotting something. "Honey," Sarah came out on the piazza, "it's getting time for you to get dressed for the festiv'ties." Patricia, tickling one of Custard's long ears with a blade of grass, smiled serenely. "But I am dressed, Sarah." Sarah sat down heavily on the piazza bench; "I knowed it! I jest 'spicioned you-un was shore up to something!"

"Where's you-un been all day, Miss P'tricia?" she enquired, severely. "If you don't mind, Sarah I'm very hungry and tired I won't go into that at present. I had something very important to see to." "Humph!" Sarah grunted. "Nice doings, worrying your pore aunt near to 'straction the doctor, he ain't come home to dinner to hear 'bout your carryings-on.