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Why can I not enjoy the felicity of loving this Adonis? Why can I not exchange this poor, burnt-out heart for one that glows and palpitates?" "You are a fool, and know nothing about a maiden's heart! In your ecstasy for this Ganymede, who is probably an old crippled monster, you make rare confusion.

Why should not a young girl, radiant in youth and beauty, affect a young man of her generation? What has an old fellow, with all his money and worldly experience and burnt-out youth, to give in exchange for that intoxication which every girl may properly regard her lawful gift?

He felt cold, stiff, hungry, and decidedly cross. Why had not Christina woke him up and given him his supper. Did she think he had intended to pass the night on a wooden chair? The girl was an idiot. He would go upstairs and tell her through the door just what he thought of her. His way upstairs led through the kitchen. To his astonishment, there sat Christina, asleep before the burnt-out grate.

She ached for rest. Her body felt leaden, and her brain like a burnt-out furnace. The very capacity for thought seemed to have left her. Only the horror of the day loomed gigantic whichever way she turned, blotting out all beside. Prayer was an impossibility to her. She felt lost in a wilderness of doubt, forsaken and wandering, and terribly alone.

Here, with great rapidity, the four youths stripped off the odd suits and donned their regular garments. Then they hid the other things in an out-of-the-way corner. "Did you place the burnt-out fireworks in the box?" asked Shep, who had been left at the square to set off the three rockets. "We did," answered Snap.

He saw her fresh young face withered and horror-lined and old, and the bright-brown hair grown grey with the years that would pass in those few final moments. He saw the sweet red lips which had tempted him so often to wild thoughts parched and black, wide open and gasping vainly for the breath of life in a hot, burnt-out atmosphere.

Each man was offering her something Christopher, life at the expense of all her scruples. Ridgeley, the resurrection of burnt-out beliefs. She shivered a bit under the blanket. It would be heavenly to hear the temple bells with youth beside her. To drink the wine of life from a brimming cup. But all the time she would be afraid, nothing could take away that fear. Nothing, nothing, nothing.

"You know," he said in his clerical voice, but meanwhile stuffing tobacco into an old pipe with fierce energy, "I have often wondered, Petrie I have never left off wondering " "What?" "That accursed Chinaman! Since the cellar place beneath the site of the burnt-out cottage in Dulwich Village I have wondered more than ever."

Gray hairs were nothing, no, nor wrinkles, nor infirmity; he might look old, indeed, and be somewhat disagreeably connected with a gaunt old figure, much the worse for wear; but the true, the essential Peter was a young man of high hopes, just entering on the world. At the kindling of each new fire, his burnt-out youth rose afresh from the old embers and ashes. It rose exulting now.

A quick frown and a sudden jerk of Quisanté's head betrayed his fear that more would go before he could lay his grip on them. "Why doesn't this man stop?" whispered May. "I suppose, my dear, he thinks he may as well put Mr. Quisanté off as long as possible," Lady Richard answered flippantly. Amid yawns, the laying down of burnt-out cigars, and glances at watches, Quisanté rose to make his reply.