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You, a man of mind, married a girl who cared more for a touch of your hand than a bucketful of your knowledge, which every man in the province knows is great. At first you were almost always thinking of her and what a fine woman she was, and because everyone admired her, you played the peacock, too. I am not the only peacock. You are a good man no one ever said anything against your character.

At the same instant the connecting rope was severed, the foreyard creaked back into position again, and the bucketful of salt water soused down over the gunner and his gun, putting out his linstock and wetting his priming.

Cardon shuddered and grimaced horribly. "I've been drinking that slop by the bucketful, all day. And Pelton's throwing a victory party, tonight, and I'll have to choke down another half gallon of it. Give me a cup of coffee, and one of those good cigars of yours." Lancedale grinned at him. "Ah, yes, the jolly brewer. His own best advertisement. How's Pelton reacting to his triumph?

It was that which was puzzling Birralong. The last man in the district whom they expected to be carried away by the glib tales of nuggets by the bucketful and gravel running two ounces to the dish, was Tony Taylor; still less did they expect that he would leave his selection home, to say nothing of the charms of Birralong and Marmot's verandah, for a wild-cat yarn of travelling fossickers.

"I don't know of what sort I am," returned Sancho, "but I know very well I'll never get such elegant skimmings off Basilio's pots as these I have got off Camacho's;" and he showed him the bucketful of geese and hens, and seizing one began to eat with great gaiety and appetite, saying, "A fig for the accomplishments of Basilio!

Granny says the Chinese eats it, to make them cheerful, but they don't seem to eat enough. "There's Slippery Elm. It's awfully good for loosening up a cold, if you drink the juice the bark's bin biled in. One spring Granny made a bucketful. She set it outside to cool, an' the pig he drunk it all up, an' he must a had a cold, for it loosened him up so he dropped his back teeth.

Good sharp girl that she was, however, she quickly mastered the situation, and hurried down to fetch fresh supplies of unfrozen liquid from the well; although hardly had she left the room the second time before a thick layer of ice again formed on the surface of the bucketful which she had brought.

Of course, as yet, she could not draw a bucketful, for the water hardly came above the stones; but he would soon get out as many as would make it deep enough only, if it was all Sandy could do to get out the big ones, and that with his help too, how was he to manage it alone? There was the rub! I must go back a little to explain how he came to think of a plan.

"It's done ruint," he replied, "you'll hafter th'ow it away; 't ain't fitten fer nothin. I done cried 'bout a bucketful in it." "Why did you cry?" asked Miss Minerva calmly. "Don't you like to work?" "Yes 'm, I jes' loves to work; I wish I had time to work all the time. But it makes my belly ache to churn, I got a awful pain right now." "Churn on!" she commanded unsympathetically.

He looked at me, clearly puzzled at what seemed a sudden change of subject. "'Tis very dirty, to be sure; but washing it won't make it sound no better, I reckon." "I rather think it will," I replied, and then I told him what I had in mind. "'Tis a main risky trick, sir," he said dubiously. "If they should happen to want another bucketful of water we're lost men."