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Updated: August 6, 2024

Lord Colambre was "indeed undeniably an old acquaintance:" and as soon as she had recovered from her first natural start and vulgar exclamation, she with very easy familiarity hoped "my Lady Clonbrony, and my Lord, and Miss Nugent, and all her friends in the family, were well;" and said, "she did not know whether she was to congratulate his lordship or not upon Miss Broadhurst, my Lady Berryl's marriage, but she should soon have to hope for his lordship's congratulations for another marriage in her present family Lady Isabel to Colonel Heathcock, who was come in for a large portion, and they are buying the wedding clothes sights of clothes and the di'monds, this day; and Lady Dashfort and my Lady Isabel sent me especially, sir, to you, Mr.

"And I own I was originally under the universal error that my Lord Colambre was to be married to the great heiress, Miss Broadhurst; but I have been converted and reformed on that score, and am at present quite in another way of thinking." Petito paused, in hopes that her lady would ask what was her present way of thinking?

'Are not these rooms beautiful, Miss Broadhurst? said Lady Catharine, determined, if possible, to turn the conversation into a commonplace, safe channel; for she had just felt, what most of Miss Broadhurst's acquaintance had in their turn felt, that she had an odd way of startling people, by setting their own secret little motives suddenly before them, 'Are not these rooms beautiful?

Miss Nugent was dressing for the concert, or rather was sitting half-dressed before her glass, reflecting, when Miss Broadhurst came into her room. Miss Nugent immediately sent her maid out of the room. "Grace," said Miss Broadhurst, looking at Grace with an air of open deliberate composure, "you and I are thinking of the same thing of the same person."

"My dear, you are mistaken: Miss Broadhurst is too sensible a girl, a vast deal, to look for love, and a dying lover, and all that sort of stuff: I am persuaded indeed I have it from good, from the best authority, that the young lady you know one must be delicate in these cases, where a young lady of such fortune, and no despicable family too, is concerned; therefore I cannot speak quite plainly but I say I have it from the best authority, that you would be preferred to any other suitor, and, in short, that "

Broadhurst, begging her to come half an hour earlier than the time mentioned in the cards, 'that she might talk over something PARTICULAR that had just occurred. What passed at this cabinet council, as it seems to have had no immediate influence on affairs, we need not record. Suffice it to observe, that a great deal was said, and nothing done.

"That'll burn up nicely now," said Joanna, surveying the fire. "You'd better put the fish-kettle on too, in case Broadhurst wants hot water for a mash. Bring me out a cup of tea as soon as you can get it ready I'll be somewhere in the yard." She put on an old coat of her father's over her black dress, and went out, her nailed boots clattering on the cobble-stones.

Broadhurst, do you hear what your daughter is saying?" cried Lady Clonbrony, who, from the card-table, lent an attentive ear to all that was going forward. "Is it possible that Miss Broadhurst, with her fortune, and pretensions, and sense, can really be serious in saying she would be content to live in the country?" "What's that you say, child, about living in the country?" said Mrs. Broadhurst.

Broadhurst says, "never know, or at least never tell, what they are sorry or glad for," replied Lady Clonbrony. 'At all events, Grace, my love, it has brought the fine bloom back to your cheeks; and I own I am satisfied. 'Gone! for ever gone from me! said Lord Colambre to himself, as the carriage drove away. 'Never shall I see her more never WILL I see her more, till she is married.

She had never had opportunities of acquiring a taste for literature herself, but she admired it in others, particularly in her friend Miss Broadhurst.

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