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Broadhurst, who was very intimate with the family; she used to come frequently, almost every evening, to sit with the invalid. Miss Broadhurst accompanied her mother, for she did not like to go out with any other chaperon it was disagreeable to spend her time alone at home, and most agreeable to spend it with her friend Miss Nugent.

But only conceive, after all that has passed, Miss Broadhurst had the assurance to expect I would let my niece be her bride's-maid. Oh, I flatly refused; that is, I told Grace it could not be; and, that there might be no affront to Mrs. Broadhurst, who did not deserve it, I pretended Grace had never mentioned it; but ordered my carriage, and left Buxton directly.

Let me entreat you not to neglect Miss Broadhurst to-night, as I know that the family come here chiefly on your account." "My dear mother, I never can neglect any one of your guests; but I shall be careful not to show any particular attention to Miss Broadhurst, for I never will pretend what I do not feel."

Why, in plain English, I am clear my girl likes him; and when that's the case, you know, can you doubt how the thing will end? Mrs. Broadhurst was perfectly right in every point of her reasoning but one. From long habit of seeing and considering that such an heiress as her daughter might marry whom she pleased from constantly seeing that she was the person to decide and to reject Mrs.

In consequence of this plan of leaving things to themselves, every evening Lady Clonbrony made out her own little card-table with Mrs. Broadhurst, and a Mr. and Miss Pratt, a brother and sister, who were the most obliging, convenient neighbours imaginable.

In this she had no design, no coquetry; Miss Broadhurst had too lofty and independent a spirit to stoop to coquetry: she thought that, in their interview at the gala, she understood Lord Colambre, and that he understood her that he was not inclined to court her for her fortune that she would not be content with any suitor who was not a lover.

Lord Colambre, from respect to his father, did not express his opinion; but his aversion to Sir Terence O'Fay was stronger even than his mother's, though Lady Clonbrony's detestation of him was much increased by perceiving that his coarse hints about Miss Broadhurst had operated against her favourite scheme.

Broadhurst, though her daughter had fully explained herself respecting Lord Colambre, before she began this course of visiting, yet rejoiced that, even on this footing, there should be constant intercourse between them. It was Mrs.

'Beautiful! Certainly. The beauty of the rooms would have answered Lady Catharine's purpose for some time, had not Lady Anne imprudently brought the conversation back again to Miss Broadhurst. 'Do you know, Miss Broadhurst, said she, 'that if I had fifty sore throats, I could not have refrained from my diamonds on this GALA night; and such diamonds as you have!

'I have no thoughts to give up, ma'am, said Miss Nugent, smiling. 'Miss Broadhurst, continued she, going on eagerly with what she was saying to Lord Colambre 'Miss Broadhurst is my friend, a friend I love and admire; but you will allow that I strictly kept my promise, never to praise her to you, till you should begin to praise her to me.