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Updated: August 13, 2024

BRUNO. ¿Y también quizá que yo mismo le pondré la silla para encaramarse? DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Quién había de ser? BRUNO. ¿Y quien la sostendrá de los brazos hasta que el Sr. D. Eduardo la recoja en los suyos? DOÑA MATILDE. . BRUNO. Pues se engañó usted de medio a medio. DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Cómo! BRUNO. Y ahora mismo voy a noticiar al amo todo este fregado. DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Detente!

Then she urged herself up and onward, climbed to the top of the bank with success at last within reach. To find the horses now required but a few minutes' search. They stood huddled in a black mass close to the barbed-wire fence at the extremity of the pasture. As she approached them they commenced to separate slowly, edging away while they faced her in curiosity. Softly she called: "Brazos!

The commissary was outfitted for a month's stay, and a day in advance of the expected arrival of the surveyor the outfit was started up the Brazos. Each of the men had one or more private horses, and taking all of mine along, we had a remuda of thirty odd saddle horses.

Passing over the divide between the waters of the Brazos and Concho, we struck the old Butterfield stage route, running by way of Fort Concho to El Paso, Texas, on the Rio Grande. This stage road was the original Staked Plain, surveyed and located by General John Pope in 1846.

Then I shall return to the States to lay the whole affair before our Government." "And you think of coming this way?" "Walt, here, has been making explorations down the stream that runs through this valley; he has no doubt about its being one of the heads of the Red River of Louisiana, if not the Texan Brazos.

One more needless skirmish took place near Brazos, Texas, and then Smith followed the example of Taylor and surrendered his entire force, some eighteen thousand, to General Canby, on May 26.

The trail led along the banks of one of the branches of the Brazos. The region was delightful, the soil fertile, and quite a dense population blessed with abundance, peopled the lovely valley. It might have been almost an Eden, but for the wickedness of fallen man. This powerful tribe the Cenis, was at war with another tribe, called the Cannohantimos.

On reaching that river, we found it swimming for between thirty and forty yards; but by tying up the pack mules and cutting the herd into four bunches, we swam the Brazos with less than an hour's delay. Overhauling and transferring the packs to horses, throwing away everything but the barest necessities, we crossed the lightened commissary, the freed mules swimming with the remuda.

They went off that way, toward the old Brazos trail," added the squatter, pointing in a direction which lay exactly at right angles with the course Bob had been pursuing. "Did they?" exclaimed the corporal with a great show of eagerness. "Thank you for the information. We will go that way too as soon as we have eaten dinner. How long ago did they pass this way?" "Jest at daylight."

Annexation of Texas Causes that led to annexation Message of the President General Scott's letters regarding William Henry Harrison Efforts to reduce General Scott's pay Letter to T.P. Atkinson on the slavery question Battle of Palo Alto, and of Resaca de la Palma, Monterey, and Buena Vista "The hasty plate of soup" Scott's opinion of General Taylor Scott ordered to Mexico Proposal to revive the grade of lieutenant general, and to appoint Thomas H. Benton Scott reaches the Brazos Santiago Confidential dispatch from Scott to Taylor Co-operation of the navy Letters to the Secretary of War as to places of rendezvous Arrival and landing at Vera Cruz, and its investment, siege, and capture Letter to foreign consuls Terms of surrender Orders of General Scott after the surrender.

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