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"It certainly does," replied Bob, and then the ranchman's boy continued: "Perhaps you remember me telling you some things about this queer old uncle of dad's, Bob, and how, after he had made a name for himself, he suddenly vanished in a night, leaving word behind that he was going to study the biggest subject any man could ever tackle.

My jaw feels as though it was broken." "I hope it is!" said Bob. "You big bully! What do you mean by climbing up on my barn and trying to wreck my aerial?" "I won't ever try to monkey with it again, honest I won't!" whined Buck. "You'd better not," advised Bob grimly. "And when you see your friends, tell them I'll do the same to them that I've done to you if they come around here.

But perhaps that was because I didn't have a chum to stand back of me." "None of the boys on the ranch would go with you, then?" asked Bob. "I should say not! Even old Hank would balk at that, and he's never been afraid of thing that flies, runs or crawls. It was old Hank who taught me all I know about range life.

Lewis very hurriedly put his title papers in his saddlebags, mounted his pony and galloped down the road, and, as Bob says, the old pioneer snapped his gun twice at him before he could turn the corner. Lewis said that he had never been back to disturb that man's title since. 'Now, said Mr.

A flash of triumph was in his eyes, but Frank saw that he was reeling. Our hero sprang forward just in time to catch the falling champion in his outstretched arms the winner of the race. "He's in a dead faint give him air," ordered Dean Ritchie. "Get a dipper of water," said Frank quickly, letting Bob slip gently to the grass. There was a pump just beyond the enclosure.

I have been tortured with anxiety every minute since you left. Tell me where you are and what has happened. And how in the world is it possible for you to radio? Are you all right?" "Yes, we're all right, Dad," answered Bob, and there was a good deal of emotion in his voice, too. The big fellow and his father were real pals. "Don't you worry, Dad," he added. "We're doing well, thank you."

And I heard them say something about the President going back on them when they had telegraphed from Chicago and come to see him here. And maybe they didn't let Heth in for it. It seems Uncle Jethro only had to walk up to the White House. They ought to have sense enough to know that he runs the state. But what's the use of wasting time over this business?" said Bob.

He was cool and determined, and continually encouraged those around him by his cheering words as well as by his example. "Ben is down!" exclaimed Hapgood. "Poor fellow!" replied Tom, without taking his eye off the foe in front. "There goes Bob Dornton!" added Hapgood. "Stand up to it, my men!" said Tom, firmly, for he had no time then to think of the fallen.

"But, oh, how pretty this sea-anemone is!" cried she in ecstasies, not noticing his little bit of satire. "It is wonderful!" "It is, my dear," replied the Captain; "although it's one of the commonest forms of the actinea family. As Bob said just now, it is very like a chrysanthemum; and, if anything, more beautiful, which you can see for yourself before we try to shift its lodging.

Even as a young man of good birth has been known to enjoy a subtle self-flattery in the thought that he graciously bestows his name upon a maiden who, to all intents and purposes, may be said never to have been born at all, so did Bob Hewett feel when he put a ring upon the scrubby finger of Pennyloaf.