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This is one of the actinea, or `anthozoa, so-called from two Greek words meaning `living flowers. A pretty name, missy, isn't it?" "Yes," said Nellie. "It reminds me of a fairy tale aunt Polly told me of the different flowers in the garden having a party and talking together." "Precisely, my dear; only the anthozoa can't talk!"

Of course, the actinea did not make themselves at home in their new lodgings and disclose their beauties all at once; but, in a few days, none of them having been hurt by Bob's knife, they seemed to have become acclimatised, putting out the petals of their flower-like bodies as freely as when in their native pools at Seaview.

"But, oh, how pretty this sea-anemone is!" cried she in ecstasies, not noticing his little bit of satire. "It is wonderful!" "It is, my dear," replied the Captain; "although it's one of the commonest forms of the actinea family. As Bob said just now, it is very like a chrysanthemum; and, if anything, more beautiful, which you can see for yourself before we try to shift its lodging.

When, however, this was done and the actinea put into their future home, the aquarium blossomed out into a garden of live flowers, whose tentacles of various colours resembled so many chrysanthemums, dahlias, and daisies, of the most gorgeous hues ever seen on Nature's palette!

"Come on now, my boys! There's nothing more to see at present; and I've promised Miss Nell to help her put those actinea we got yesterday at Seaview into her new aquarium."