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Updated: August 1, 2024

I had heard all this, and I made up my mind not to be fooled, but one night I thought sure I had the real thing. Mac, Skinny, and I were coming off shift at 2 A.M., and in the communication trench we met an officer without an escort. We saluted as we passed, and he said, "Good-night, boys." Mac whispered, "I believe he's a spy." Skinny said, "Blime, I believe he is too."

Blood.... Only a boy he was, sir, and she looked down on him, laying there with his brains spattered on the deck and she laughed, sir.... God, sir! She laughed...." He struggled to his feet and pulled his forelock. He said in altered tones: "Beg pardon, sir. But a man can't be a blime machine all the time, sir." There came a call from the state-room. "Get that bucket away from here. Quick!"

"You'll be hitting the brimstone trail. But if you speak up, I'll keep you till the next bunch of mounted police come by." "Well, Gawd blime me, if this ain't a go! 'Ere I be, innercent as a lamb, an' 'ere you be, lost all o' your top 'amper an' out o' your reckonin', run me foul an' goin' to rake me into 'ell-fire. You bloomin' old pirut! You "

A stout lady prodded Mahdi with her umbrella, and he flopped on all fours on the floor of his cage, and sprang forward with a hoarse growl, reaching a great, hairy paw out of the cage. "Lor blime, missus, yer ortenter do that to another woman's 'ushand," said the facetious labourer. The people pressed about Mahdi's cage.

The infantrymen were in the lead, and almost as soon as we struck the open one of them "got it" in the head. Skinny was in front of me, and he stopped so suddenly that I said, "What's wrong, Skinny?" He said, "Blime, but he's got it; I wonder how many blinkin' kids the poor devil's left."

The other man he knew to be Bingo, the only English sailor aboard a shrewd and rat-faced little Cockney. "Blime me, Bug-eye! but wot Hi sye Hi means. The devil 'imself's near where there's so much brimstone. If that hull bloomin' 'ill blows hup, where'll we be, Hi axes ye?" "Jest here or hereabouts," growled Ditty. Drew stepped nearer and frankly listened to the conversation.

All that I am sure of is that whatever else it may have been, it was quite material it was no ghost; rather just another of the strange forms of life which we have met here and with which we should be accustomed by this time." Tippet looked up. His face was still ashy. "Yer cawn't tell me," he cried. "Hi seen hit. Blime, Hi seen hit. Hit was ha dead man flyin' through the hair.

"Poor as Job," said the young man in a hoarse voice, and he had to come up out of a red comforter to say it. We gave him a slice of the pudding, and he bit into it without thanks or delay. The next minute he had thrown the pudding slap in Dora's face, and was clutching Dicky by the collar. "Blime if I don't chuck ye in the river, the whole bloomin' lot of you!" he exclaimed.

Gawd blime me, an' you, too, Charley, if you don't run an' get the dish- pan!" "For there's never a law of God or man Runs north of Fifty-three." Jan rolled over, clawing and kicking. He was fighting hand and foot now, and he fought grimly, silently. Two of the three men who hung upon him, shouted directions to each other, and strove to curb the short, hairy devil who would not curb.

"What's the matter with you?" he exclaimed testily. "You 've made a mistake!" "I 'm blimed if I 'ave!" bellowed a tornado-like voice. "Blime! You look just like 'im!" "But you 're mistaken, old man!"

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