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Updated: August 26, 2024

It had proceeded for a minute or so, when a crash, which, following as it did on the dead stillness, an earthquake could scarce have equalled, elicited a scream from Mrs. Jenny and brought the wizard to his knees with a yell of terror. 'My blessid! he cried, with clacking jaws, 'I've done it at last! Get thee behind me, Satan!

As a suggestion of the language of that day, we quote a few familiar sentences from the Sermon on the Mount, as given in the later version of Wyclif's Gospel: And he openyde his mouth, and taughte hem, and seide, Blessid ben pore men in spirit, for the kyngdom of hevenes is herne. Blessid ben mylde men, for thei schulen welde the erthe. Blessid ben thei that mornen, for thei schulen be coumfortid.

Well, sir, when they got about a mile from camp they saw Jim standing in the trail, and smiling all over his honest, homely face. He took Castle for a customer, of course, and after saying "Howdy" to Thorn, opened right up: "I reckon Thorn hev toted you up to see thet blessid infunt as I'm mother, father and wet-nuss to. Thar never was sich a kid. She's jest the cutest little cuss ever you see.

Nacher's our silent partner, and the blessid infunt delivers the goods. No ore, no stamps, no sweatin', no grindin', and crushin', and millin', and smeltin'. Thar you hev the pure juice, and you bile it till it jells. Looky here," and Jim reached down and pulled out a skillet. "Taste it! Smell it! Bite it! Lick it! An' then tell me if Sollermun in all his glory was dressed up like this here!"

F'r a flip av ale I'd command Terence to turn aside an' go triumphant entry-in' to this blessid fort av yours and witness th' ceremonies!" Maren smiled sadly and laid her hand on the black head tucked into her neck.

James Hangelo sittn on my knee was evidently unwell; without his coral: & for 20 miles that blessid babby kep up a rawring, which caused all the passingers to simpithize with him igseedingly. "We arrive at Gloster, and there fansy my disgust at bein ableeged to undergo another change of carridges!

"By the powers," exclaimed the first mate, "I niver thought of him till this blessid minnit! Where, in the name of Moses, can he be? I believe he wint down and turned into his cot when I did." "He ain't jined them copperheads and left us in the lurch, hey?" inquired the American. "I didn't kinder think it on him, though he wer sorter quiet and sly-like."

Quilty. "Hivin! Fine comp'ny ye'd be f'r the holy men and blessid saints an' martyrs an' pure, snow-white angels! Why, ye idolatrous, stick-burnin', kow-towin', joss-worshippin' pagan son iv a mat-sailed junk and a chopstick, they'd slam the pearly gates forninst yer face and stick their holy fingers to their blessid noses at yez. Hivin!

A shadow fell over Maida’s face. “Oh, dear, dear,” she grieved. “I wish I had been a naughty childpeople love naughty children so. Are you quite sure I was always good, Granny?” “Why, me blessid lamb, ’twas too sick that you was to be naughty. You cud hardly lift one little hand from the bed.” “But, Granny, dear,” Maida persisted, “can’t you think of one single, naughty thing I did?

They both bent above her. Mrs. Rusker's heart was beating like a muffled drum, and seemed, to her own ears, to fill the house with its pulsation. 'Julia! said Mrs. Mountain again, in a louder voice, and shook the girl with a tremulous hand, 'Julia! The white eyelids did not even stir. 'My blessid! Julia! Don't skeer a body i' this way! She shook the girl again.

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