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Like Binks, she knew that something was very wrong; but the consolation of sitting in a basket and waiting for the clouds to roll by was denied her. For the Humans have to plot and contrive and worry, whatever happens. . . . "Is that Lady Auldfearn's?" Vane took the telephone off the table. "Oh! Lady Auldfearn speaking? I'm Captain Vane. . . . Is Miss Devereux stopping with you?

'I dunno, young musters! rejoined Binks, contemplating the ridiculous spectacle with much the same gravity as he would have regarded a funeral. 'P'raps it'd be a sight better if so be as you was gells. That is, gells after the pattern of your sister, Miss Theedory! 'Oh, Theo! Well, she's different! and Geoff sobered down his antics, and stood still to retort.

Binks was a worthy old soul whom the terriers led a troubled life by their destructive capers in the garden and lawn, which he vainly tried to keep trim.

Oh, I'll pay you out! screamed Alick, maddened more by a sense of humiliation than of terror, for none of the Carnegy name dreaded a ducking in the sea. 'There ye be, then! Binks at last deposited his wriggling burden flat on the pier. 'Now, p'raps ye'll understand the way an honest man dispoges of obstructions in the path o' dooty!

'Well, I think I should buy it if the price was five shillings, said Williams; 'but for some unearthly reason he wants two guineas for it. I can't conceive why. It's a wretched engraving, and there aren't even any figures to give it life. 'It's not worth two guineas, I should think, said Binks; 'but I don't think it's so badly done.

He extracted one in Nancy Smallwood's sprawling handwriting, and glanced through it again to make sure. "Dine 8 o'clock and go on to Mainwarings' dance afterwards. . . . Do come, if you can. . . ." Vane, placing it on the table in front of him, bowed to it profoundly. "We might," he remarked to Binks, "almost have it framed."

Vernon, I think you're perfectly right and I wish you and him the very best of luck." He shook hands gravely and a few moments later he was walking back towards the station with Binks trotting sedately at his heels. In all probability he would never see Mrs. Vernon again; war and its aftermath had brought their paths together for a space, and now they were diverging again.

I saw him making love to the butcher at the corner when the shutters were being taken down just as if he hadn't enough to eat in his own proper house, said Dick. 'Binks, is that a true bill? said Torpenhow, severely. The little dog retreated under the sofa cushion, and showed by the fat white back of him that he really had no further interest in the discussion.

She took the toy from Vane's hand and bent over it. "Thank goodness somebody takes an intelligent interest in matters of import," thought Binks and then with a dull, unsqueaking thud his enemy fell at his feet. "My dear my dear!" His master's voice came low and tense and pretence was over. With hungry arms Vane caught the girl to him, and she did not resist.

However, Binks and I are prepared to overlook it for once, and so we will pass on to the thirdly. . . ." He handed her the cigarette box, and with a faint smile hovering round her lips, she looked up at him. "Is your thirdly safe?" she asked. "Mrs. Green thought it wonderful. A suitable climax to a dramatic situation." "You've had a rehearsal, have you?"