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Updated: August 4, 2024

"Lord-a-massy, Bill! what a tug ye must have had! and how ye come to be sober with sech a load behind ye is beyend the reckinin' of a man who has knowed ye nigh on to twenty year. I never knowed ye disapp'int one arter this fashion afore." "It is strange, I confess," answered Wild Bill, appreciating the humor that lurked in the honesty of the old man's utterance.

Yis, the yarb be good fur a woman when things go crosswise, and the box'll be a great help to her many and many a night, beyend doubt. The Lord sartinly had women in mind when He made the yarb, and a kindly feelin' fur their infarmities, and, I dare say, they be grateful accordin' to their knowledge."

But he looked up into my face with that sort of a questionin' look, and then up over my head, and beyend it and beyend and I see there settled down over his face the sort of a satisfied look that he would have when I had answered his questions; and I sort o' smiled, and said to myself, I guessed the Lord had answered it. And so he went through the gate of the City, and was safe.

"Wall," sez I, in meanin' axcents, awful meanin', "when you are married you will change your opinion, you mark my word." And she said, gently, but persistently, "That she guessed she shouldn't; she guessed she was in the right of it." Sez I, "You think when anybody is married they have got beyend all earthly trials, and nothin' but perfect peace and rest remains?" And she sez, gently, "Yes, mem!"

And the exhibits in that buildin' are like the sands of the sea for number, and it would be harder work to count 'em if you wuz a-goin' to tackle the job, for they hain't spread out smooth, like sea sand, but are histed up into the most gorgeous and beautiful pavilions, fixed off beyend anything you ever drempt on, or read of in Arabian Nights, or anywhere else.

But Miss Yerden looked tickled, she is so blind in her own conceit, and Lihu spoke so polite to her, she thought he considered her word as goin' beyend the Bible. Then Lophemia Pegrum spoke up, and sez she "Don't you believe in keeping the Sabbath, Lihu?" "Yes, indeed, I do," sez he, firm and decided. "I do believe in it with all my heart.

But, barrin' this knave, who is beyend the range of our trails, there is not a single vagabond that has trespassed agin us that we mustn't forgive. For this be Christmas time, pups, and Christmas be a time for forgivin' and forgittin' all the evil that's been done agin us." And here the old man paused and looked at the dogs and then gazed long and earnestly into the fire.

And then I see that there stood Old Bobbet, Sime Yerden, Deacon Sypher, and, in fact, most all the men in the neighborhood and some beyend it, some from the Loontown road, and some from over towards Shackville. There wuz more'n twenty of 'em. And I sez, and I almost fainted as I sez it "Has another war broke loose, or is it a wild animal from a circus? Tell me, oh, tell me what it is!"

A pretty summer house stands on a little island and bending over the water are dwarf pine trees brought from Japan. At one end is a waterfall, and there is a pleasant tea house where pretty Japan girls serve tea on the broad galleries. Beyend the lake you see a model Japanese house and not fur off is the headquarters of the Japanese commission.

No matter if they wuz riz up higher than you ever drempt of rizin' 'em up, instead of fallin', they will, so to speak, find themselves on the ground floor in the suller, as you may say so fur up beyend your highest imagination is the reality of that wonderful White City of the West

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