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"A can keep things in my yead," said George, "better than most folks can keep a book; I knows what I has, and what other folks can't get at. I knows how I put un in. First, the five-pound bill" "They must have stared to see you bring five pound in a lump, George, my dear!" said the hunchback. "Was it wise, do you think?" "Gearge bean't such a vool as a looks," replied the miller's man.

Patrick had always been fond of gardening, and it vexed him to see how his flowers had been neglected during his illness. 'Never mind, said Dick; 'I bean't much of a gardener, but I'll do my best to set it all to rights, and I'm sure the young ladies there will lend a hand.

There's Waller, now, as 'll tell ye that when he `can't help it he guesses he'll jist grin an' bear it. And there's an old Irish trapper that's bin in the mountains nigh forty years now, and who's alive at this day if he bean't dead that used to say to himself when ill luck came upon him, `Now, Terence, be aisy, boy; an' av ye can't be aisy, be as aisy as ye can. So you see, Mr Bertram, we have got a few sparks of wisdom in these diggins."

"On the contrary," I answered, "I was thinking it might suit a homeless man like me very well indeed." "D'ye mean to live there?" exclaimed the Ancient. "Yes," said I. "Then you bean't afraid o' the ghost?" "No," I answered. "P'r'aps you be one o' they fules as think theer bean't no ghosts?"

"Tod bean't come in yet." "He shall have the mare with pleasure. Tell Miss March so I mean, do not tell her, of course. It was very right of you to come to us in this way, Mrs. Tod. Really, it would be almost a treat to be ill in your house you are so kind." "Thank'ee, Mr. Halifax," said the honest landlady, greatly delighted. "But a body couldn't help doing anything for Miss March.

"What may be thy business here?" she said, roughly. "Abel Fletcher sent me on a message." "Out with it then don't be stopping with Phineas here. Thee bean't company for him, and his father don't choose it." "Jael!" I cried, indignantly. John never spoke, but his cheek burnt furiously. I took his hand, and told him how glad I was to see him but, for a minute, I doubt if he heard me.

"Do you mean that George is taken a prisoner?" The Ancient nodded, and inhaled his pinch of snuff with much evident relish. "It be gert noos, bean't it, Peter?" "What have they done with him? Where is he, Ancient?" But, before the old man could answer, Simon appeared. "Ah, Peter!" said he, shaking his head, "the Gaffer's been tellin' ye 'ow they've took Jarge for poachin', I suppose "

A third came an old gipsy woman still stout and hearty, with green fresh brooms to sell. We bought some brooms one of them was left on the kitchen floor, and the tame rabbit nibbled it; it proved to be heather. The true broom is as green and succulent in appearance in January as June. She would see the 'missis. 'Bless you, my good lady, it be weather, bean't it?

"There warn't nothin' true at all. There bean't no mother-in-law, nor wife, nor nothin'; there warn't even any chap with the long whiskers, for it warn't hisself at all, though he said it was that t'other one shook han's with me, and said I'd give him a big compliment. 'Twas all purtendin' an' makin' b'lieve.

Kenneth said this with strong feeling, and the seaman looked at him more earnestly than he had yet done. "Your father was hard on your sister and her husband, if I bean't misinformed," said Gaff. "He thought it his duty to be so," answered Kenneth. "And you agreed with him?" pursued Gaff. "No, never!" cried the other indignantly. "I regretted deeply the course my father saw fit to pursue.