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There were old men so feeble that one's first thought on seeing them was: "How did you get away from your nurse?" There were people with superfluous funds, and people with barely enough funds, and people with no funds at all. There were college boys who had worked their way over and couldn't find a chance to work it back. There were art-students and music-students whose resources had given out.

Bethany, barely two miles distant from Jerusalem, is a poor little village with steep, rough, dirty lanes and a number of old and dilapidated small stone houses amid broken walls of other houses which evidently have been equally insignificant.

"When does he come back?" she asked, in tones so low that Horace could barely hear her. "He has come back already. He returned last night." A faint shade of color stole slowly over the pallor of her face. She suddenly put her basket away, and clasped her hands together to quiet the trembling of them, before she asked her next question. "Where is " She paused to steady her voice.

For an instant her glance met his and then quickly dropped. He leaned forward with a sudden start and barely checked the words of love that were ready to rush from his tongue. Then he left her for a little while and walked about restlessly for the few paces that were possible in the end of the car. He must keep a closer watch on himself, he mused.

Such a blunder would imply an amount of carelessness barely conceivable in the management of an important Department of the State. Sir Francis Hincks, however, who has enjoyed exceptional opportunities of discussing the story with leading English statesmen, is strongly disposed to believe it.

The girl awoke to surprise as she barely managed to reach her seat by the most agile of springs. "This is not the horse I ride, Dudda! He must belong to one of the nobles." "He is the horse that King Canute said you should take," the man panted, as he struggled to keep his footing. "He said to fetch Praise Odin!"

The tip of her little finger barely touched his hand as she stood there, leaning against the railing and firing back some "chaff" into the darkness. There came a lull in the chatter and Joe was feeling a bit mollified. Suddenly, before he realized it, the crowd was leaving, and one by one they filed past him, each bidding good-night.

He had been walking a little for a few days, when he was arrested at the hospital in April. He had been vomiting blood. "In this condition I was taken to the police headquarters and tortured. My thumbs were hung together and I was hung up, with my toes barely touching the ground. I was taken down nearly dead, and made to stand for hours under a chest nearly as high as my chest.

The hut he was making for was barely four miles off now, and there was meat, drink, and safety. Perhaps there might be company, he hoped there might, some of the gang might have escaped. A dog would be some sort of friend, anything sooner than such another night as last night. His pistols were gone with the saddle, and he was unarmed.

And they were quite as much surprised at her stiffness, for her amount of heel was barely perceptible, though we were driving her through it under whole canvas; whilst had we been in the Water Lily, with a proportionate amount of sail set, she would, stiff as she was, have been lying down gunwale under.