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Updated: August 7, 2024

He looked askance at our tarry clothes and pistols, and replied civilly enough that he had scarce accommodation for himself; nor could either our prayers or our offers of money, in which we advanced pretty far, avail to shake him. "I see, you think ill of us," says Ballantrae, "but I will show you how well we think of you by telling you the truth.

This carried it; Teach's share was cut down to a mere derision, being actually less than mine; and there remained only two points: whether he would consent, and who was to announce to him this resolution. "Do not let that stick you," says Ballantrae, "I will do that." And he stepped to the companion and down alone into the cabin to face that drunken savage.

I remember the day she found it out, which was not, however, the day she admitted it. That day, when I should have been at my work, she came upon me in the kitchen, 'The Master of Ballantrae' beside me, but I was not reading: my head lay heavy on the table, and to her anxious eyes, I doubt not, I was the picture of woe.

A little before sundown, in an open place with a stream, and set about with barbarous mountains, Ballantrae threw down his pack. "I will go no further," said he, and bade me light the fire, damning my blood in terms not proper for a chairman. I told him to try to forget he had ever been a pirate, and to remember he had been a gentleman. "Are you mad?" he cried. "Don't cross me here!

No man in that age had so healthy an instinct for the actuality of positive evil. In The Master of Ballantrae he did prove with a pen of steel, that the Devil is a gentleman but is none the less the Devil. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a double triumph; it has the outside excitement that belongs to Conan Doyle with the inside excitement that belongs to Henry James.

"Now you see, you moon-calf," says Ballantrae, "why we made four packets. Heretofore you have been called Captain Teach, but I think you are now rather Captain Learn." That was our last word on board the SARAH. We four, with our four packets, lowered ourselves softly into a skiff, and left that ship behind us as silent as the grave, only for the moaning of some of the drunkards.

"I do not know for that," says Ballantrae. "For there are several other circumstances with which I must acquaint you. Secondly, as there is someone else who knows a passage, you must think it highly improbable I should saddle myself with a lunatic like you. Not a word said Teach, but looked at us like a frightened baby as we gagged and bound him.

We thus lost at once our guide, our interpreter, our boatman, and our passport, for he was all these in one; and found ourselves reduced, at a blow, to the most desperate and irremediable distress. Chew, who took a great pride in his knowledge, had indeed often lectured us on the geography; and Ballantrae, I believe, would listen.

Ballantrae seemed never to observe me; but at last, as I was about parching a little corn, he looked up. "Have you ever a brother?" said be. "By the blessing of Heaven," said I, "not less than five." "I have the one," said he, with a strange voice; and then presently, "He shall pay me for all this," he added.

Truly this is a most impertinent pupil! 'The Master of Ballantrae. It sounds like Sir Walter, and yet The professor hesitates and is lost. "Scott," says he, with as good an air as he can command. "Wrong," cries she, clapping her hands softly, noiselessly. "Oh! you ignorant man! Go buy that book at once. It will do you more good and teach you a great deal more than any of your musty tomes."

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