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It is the way of these unmethodical Powers to produce unexpected, vaguely formulated, and yet effective cerebral action apparently from their backbones.

You can arst them down at Brentford. Kind old Tom Blake, wot wouldn't hurt a fly; and I says, 'Come on, all of yer, and I'll knock yer insides through yer backbones." Sidney Price spoke again. His words were honeyed, but ineffectual. "I'm honest old Tom, I am," boomed Thomas Blake, "and I'm ready for the lot of yer: you and yer free tea and yer errers."

A little later the great poet, Goethe, turned his attention to the problem of evolution, giving an interesting account of the metamorphoses of plants. He declared, also, that the human skull is a continuation of the backbones of the neck, and that these bones have been transformed into the present skull. But his great genius as a poet drew his attention into other fields.

He's a friend of my grandfather; they used to visit back and forth a lot." "Then he'd know you." Campbell's fingernails rasped through the stubble on his chin. "So Rennie heah could be one of our prisoners, suh. That theah might convince Mistuh McKeever we's what we say " the trooper pressed his point. "Could be. It's gospel truth we ain't goin' to get far with our bellies flat on our backbones.

But what the devil are you hurrying about? Softly, softly, and steadily, my men. Only pull, and keep pulling; nothing more. Crack all your backbones, and bite your knives in two that's all. Take it easy why don't ye take it easy, I say, and burst all your livers and lungs!"

Christmas party suppers had touches of holly and cedar, but there was no attempt to match the elaborate wedding tables. Hog's foot jelly, red with the reddest wine, came in handily for them since almost every plantation had a special small hog-killing, after the middle of December, so there might be fresh backbones, spare ribs, sausage and souse to help make Christmas cheer.

At length we fell upon a contrivance for curing conger eels, by splitting them, taking out their backbones, dipping them in sea-water, and then drying them in a great smoke; but as no other fish could be cured in a similar manner, our fishers were directed to catch as many congers as they could.

You can only guess about new things, which you have never seen before, by comparing them with old things, which you have seen before; and you had seen flowers, and snakes, and fishes' backbones, and made a very fair guess from them.

Every few minutes he would rattle the thousand little spears in his coat, and though no one could see Reddy Fox and Shadow the Weasel inside the hollow log, every one could guess just how little shivers were running up and down the backbones of the two little scamps held prisoners there.

"It seems to me," said I, "that fishermen always have sharper knives than other people." "Yes, we do like a sharp knife in our trade; and then we are mostly strong-handed." He was throwing the porgies' heads and backbones all that was left of them after slivering in a heap, and now several cats walked in as if they felt at home, and began a hearty lunch.