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Gaul, now France; Rhaetia, the country of the Grisons and the Tyrol, with part of Bavaria; Pannonia, lower Hungary and part of Austria. Germany was separated from Gaul by the Rhine; from Rhaetia and Pannonia, by the Danube. Rheno et Danubio. Probably each of these roots was originally a generic name for river, water, stream. So there are several Avons in England and Scotland. Cf.

Look where we will, we shall find among his pages the traces of an inward mystery and the obscure infinities of the heart. Nous avons su toujours nous aimer et nous taire. The line is a summary of the romance and the anguish of two lives. That is all affection; and this all desire J'aimais jusqu'

'Nous avons encore ? said Birkin, looking at his watch and at the porter. 'Encore une demi-heure. With which, in his blue blouse, he disappeared. He was ugly and insolent. 'Come, said Birkin. 'It is cold. Let us eat. There was a coffee-wagon on the platform.

Green, the colour of hope; or the blue of Cincinnati, the colour of American liberty and democracy." "Nous avons assez déliberé! Deliberate further with our hands not our hearts! We are the party the most numerous: To arms!" On the morrow, the now famous 14th of July, the Frenchman's "glorious fourteenth," the people rose and the Bastille fell.

But he could see, when once Réveillaud had pointed it out to him, that they were the stuff that counted. In the train going into Germany he thought of certain things that Réveillaud had said: "Nous avons trempé la poésie dans la peinture et la musique. Il faut la délivrer par la sculpture.

"Mais nous avons toujours compris que Votre Seigneurie considérait Lord Combermere comme un imbécile...." "Assurément, c'est un imbécile," répliqua Wellington, "c'est un s... imbécile, mais il peut bien prendre Rangoon." Autre trait de la même période, et qui se rapporte

Et, depuis ce temps, nous avons été de vieux amis. Non seulement nous passions nos journées au jury, nous étions toujours ensemble, côte-

«Ces hautes montagnes auroient-elles été anciennement liées entr'elles par des intermédiaires de la même nature, que couvroient, et les primitives que nous avons observées, et toute cette vallée dans laquelle coule aujourd'hui le Rhône? Je me garderois bien de l'affirmer, mais je ferois tenté de le croire.

It is true nous avons change tout cela, in these days, and the vernacular tongue is used instead, but now it is the judge who doesn't always know accurately what is going on, for he cannot always understand what the witnesses are saying!

The news was of the most depressing sort. The wounded could give you only the story of their part of the line, and you heard over and over again, "Nous avons reculés." A detachment of cavalry was at hand; their casques and dark-blue mantles gave them a crusading air.