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C'est un homme tres delicat et tres fin. Il avait invite Mr. Burgess, un artiste intelligent et agreable que j'avais deja rencontre au Salon de l'annee derniere. J'ai rencontre Tom Taylor a l'exposition. Wallis et nous avons cause quelque temps ensemble. J'ai rencontre Clifton et dine avec lui a son Club." "Lundi matin.

Calcraft, and Bartinus Scriblerus's Art of Sinking placed forthwith on the list of the Committee of the Council for Education, that not a working man in England may be ignorant that, whatsoever superstitions about art may have haunted the benighted heathens who built the Parthenon, nous avons changés tout cela.

Here, upon my Weinberg, I will not be a king, but a friend and a philosopher." "And a poet," said D'Argens, in loving tones. "I will now recall a couplet to the poet-king, which he once repeated to me, when I was melancholy-almost hopeless: "'Nous avons deux moments a vivre; Qu'il en soit un pour le plaisir."

"Why will you persist in using words that have been out of style as long as huge hoop-skirts, coal-scuttle bonnets, and long-tailed frock-coats? Once, I know, ugly things and naughty ways were called outright by their proper, exact names; but you should not forget that the world is improving, and nous avons changé tout cela!

Pas tant de belles phrases, mais du pain, du pain, il n'y a point ici de conspirateurs nous demandons du pain parceque nous avons saim." "Bread, bread, rogue! what have you done with our money? Fine speeches won't do 'tis bread we want. There are no conspirators among us we only ask for bread, because we are hungry." See Debates of the Convention.

"Nous avons six missionnaires dont l'occupation perpetuelle est de porter les esprits au fanatisme et

The Arethusa, thus encouraged, asked for his pipe. That he was told was impossible, but if he chewed, he might have some tobacco. He did not chew, however, and asked instead to have his handkerchief. "Non," said the gendarme. "Nous avons eu des histoires de gens qui se sont pendus." "What!" cried the Arethusa. "And is it for that you refuse me my handkerchief?

And the voyageur also, who brought furs out of the North down the great lakes, came home again to Pontiac, singing in his patois: "Nous avons passe le bois, Nous somm's a la rive!" Or, as he went forth: "Le dieu du jour s'avance; Amis, les vents sont doux; Berces par l'esperance, Partons, embarquons-noun. A-a-a-a-a-a-a-a!" And, as we know, it was summer when Valmond came to Pontiac.

Scrawled in soldiers' hands were such things as, "Defense absolue de piller; nous autres avons tout pris"; or, "No looting permitted. This show is cleaned out." Everywhere these signs were to be seen. Here they must have worked fast and furiously....

Then saying something about seeing whether the stream promised well for fishing, John betook himself to the bank of the river, one of the many Avons, probably with a notion that by the merest accident he might be within distance at the break- up of the choir practice.