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Williams stood back, but he and Frank both held their automatics ready for instant use, for they were determined to see fair play. Jack was still underneath, but be had thrown both powerful arms around the neck of the pirate captain and the latter, who had now got to his knees, was struggling to break this hold. Jack held on grimly.

I had some vague idea of stratagem, I remember some notion of leading the devils away on a long chase, outdistancing them and then swinging round to the machine again by daylight, and possibly fixing it up in time to skip out for home. But " "But it didn't work out that way?" "Hardly! I emptied my automatics into the brown of the advancing pack, and then retreated, flanked by my two men.

"Frontier closed last night to prevent intelligence about our preparations leaking out Lanny's plan all alive the guns coming," he went on, his shoulders stiffening, his chin drawing in, his features resolute and beaming with the ardor of youth in action "troops moving here and there to their places engineers preparing the defences automatics at critical points with the infantry field-wires laid field-telephones set up the wireless spitting the caissons full planes and dirigibles ready search-lights in position"

"If you never saw a man fight for a good job before, just watch me!" The horse tenders in the other holds were summoned and informed that for the present the Narcissus would not be bombed. Quickly two of them, with Mike Murphy and Sam Daniels, donned the dungarees and caps of the prisoners and strapped on their belts containing the automatics in their holsters.

"Back to back." The lads whipped out their automatics simultaneously, and, back to back, confronted the crowd. Hal spoke. "We are not spies," he shouted, "but we are not going to be killed without a fight. We are British army officers. Stand back!" Before the threatening muzzles of the two automatics the crowd hesitated. Then, from directly ahead of Chester, a shot rang out.

"Oje will get another one in a minute," Thede ventured, overjoyed at the success of the first shot, "and then we can open fire with our automatics." "Holy Moses!" cried Sandy. "Here we've been sitting here watching the panorama with our guns in our pockets! I guess we don't know much about hunting bears, when it comes down to cases." "Well, it isn't too late to shoot yet," Thede declared.

They had succeeded in getting the policeman into the huge den of vice, where he could not legally be without a warrant, where Palura could kill him and escape once more on the specious plea of self-defence. Terabon saw the grin of perfect hate on Palura's face as both his hands came up with automatics in them a two-handed gunman with his prey.

Here were the rapid assembling of fighting units; of transport and supply units; of railroad repairing crews, Russian, under British officers; of signals; of armored automobile, our nearest approach to a tank, which stuck in the mud and broke through the frail Russki bridges and was useless; of the feverish clearing and smoothing of a landing field near the station for our supply of spavined air-planes that had already done their bit on the Western Front; of the improvement of our ferocious-looking armored train, with its coal-car mounted naval guns, buttressed with sand bags and preceded by a similar car bristling with machine guns and Lewis automatics in the hands of a motley crew of Polish gunners and Russki gunners and a British sergeant or two.

There the automatics broke out in a mad storm, voicing their feelings at getting a company in close order in a street for the space of a minute, before those who escaped could plaster themselves against doorways or find cover in alleys. Then silence from the automatics and a cheer from the Browns that rasped out its triumph like the rubbing together of steel files.

"Small or large?" the latter inquired. "Small." "Right this way." He stepped behind a show case in which was a display of automatics and revolvers. Mr. Perry selected one of the former and a box of cartridges and took out his pocketbook to pay for them. "I believe I'll take one, too," interposed Mr. Baker, also producing a purse. The storekeeper looked somewhat curiously at the two men.