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Breaking from the leash of silence, guns, automatics, rifles each one straining for a speed record roared and crashed and rattled in greedy chorus, while the clock ticked perhaps a hundred times. Thus famished savages might boll their food in a time limit. Thereafter, for a while, the battle was desultory.

The more talkative of the gunmen from the East Side flashed one look at the two automatics lying on the floor beside the overturned table. They might as well have been in Brazil for all the good they were to him. "For the love o' Mike," he repeated again helplessly. "You're the the " " the hick that was to have been framed for house-breaking. Yes, I'm him," admitted Clay idiomatically.

You have impressed upon us the aforementioned truism that man adapts but in the Pedagogue's library I have found another that also applies. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." There were heavy automatics in the hands of Natt Roberts and Dick Hawkins. Barry Watson leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrow. "How'd you ever expect to get away with this sort of treason, Taller?"

Whether the bullet came close to the giant, Hal could not tell, but he drew his own revolver, and springing forward, cried: "That's enough of this! The next man to make a move I'll put a bullet through." Chester, Nikol and Colonel Anderson ranged themselves by Hal's side and also produced their automatics. Seeing nothing else to do, Stubbs also joined them and flourished a revolver.

"I'm glad " He stopped short, frozen with surprise, at the sight of the three boys. Swiftly his hand darted toward his left coat pocket. "None of that, Shane!" commanded Jim, sharply. "Put 'em up!" The three automatics in the boys' hands showed the guard that resistance was useless. He obeyed sulkily. "Feel in his pocket, Perce, and take his revolver! No, the other side! He's left-handed."

Last summer he sent for the agent of a large American machinery company: "I am going to make automobiles in series after the war." "In series" is the French way of expressing quantity output. "All right," said the American. "What can I do for you?" "Simply this," said the Frenchman. "I wish to order sufficient automatics to meet the demand when peace comes."

Then, before the dust had hardly settled, came a half score of hand-grenades thrown by the first men of a Gray wedge, scrambling as they were pushed through the breach by the pressure of the mass behind. In that final struggle of one set of men to gain and another to hold a position, guns or automatics or long-range bullets played no part.

He whirled, emptied his automatics into the face of his enemies, dashed the now useless weapons after the bullets, and took to his heels, zigzagging as he ran. The bullets in his body impeded his progress, but he reached the advancing Dutch troops safety. There was a cry of anger from the German lines as McKenzie found shelter among the Dutch troops. The Germans halted, and an officer advanced.

Hal realized that he could not hope to dispose of his two enemies, so quickly shoving the two revolvers into his clothes, he once more emerged and got to his feet. "What are you, an ostrich?" demanded Duval, with a slight smile. "Think if you get your head out of sight you are safe?" Hal made no reply, but he felt considerably more comfortable with his two automatics reposing safely at hand.