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Ashton's great- aunts, a young English girl in a white muslin dress and picture hat, whom Betty always insisted she resembled. Mrs. Ashton was frowning anxiously. "Hasn't Betty returned, Dick?" she inquired. "It is an hour since luncheon and her friends may arrive at any moment.

The fourth shot, best aimed of all, smashed the silver brandy flask in Ashton's hip pocket. Had he been upright in the saddle, the steel-jacketed bullet must have pierced him through the waist. With a yell of terror, he flattened himself still closer to his pony's neck and dug in his spurs at every jump. The beast was already going at a pace that would have won most quarter-mile sprints.

"He registered his name and address the day he came there it is: 'John Ashton, 7 Markendale Square, London, W. You gentlemen will recognise it, perhaps?" Mr. Pawle put up his glasses, glanced once at the open book, and turned to Viner with a confirmatory nod. "That's Ashton's writing, without a doubt," he said. "It's a signature not to be forgotten when you've once seen it.

"How did he die?" she questioned breathlessly. "Of heart disease." So then the world would not know the truth, if what she feared were truth. "I will go home," she said. "Please tell Ninitta." When she reached her rooms she found a letter, addressed in Dr. Ashton's hand, which the penny-post had left for her after she had gone out in the morning.

Apparently only one person in Mrs. Ashton's drawing-room up to this time seemed to have gotten nothing at all out of Miss McMurtry's explanations and the girls' discussion of a Camp Fire club. But then how could she, for Sylvia Wharton apparently had not listened and certainly had never taken her eyes from Polly's face?

He stood biting his lip, unable to speak. She went on coldly: "I do not ask you to tell me the cause of your hatred for Mr. Blake. I assume that you are a gentleman and will not destroy my letter. But even if you should do so, it would mean only a short delay. I shall write him again if I receive no reply to this." Ashton's flush deepened. "I did not think you could be so hard.

For the Keeper, sense, spirit, and expression seem to have left his face and manner since he had the first glimpse of Lady Ashton's carriage. I must watch how this is to end; and, if they give me reason to think myself an unwelcome guest, my visit is soon abridged."

Pike's consternation, he came upon a lady doing exactly what he had come to do namely, stealthily listening at the window to anything there might be to hear inside. The shrill scream she gave when she found her face in contact with the wild intruder, might have been heard over at Dr. Ashton's. Clerk Gum, who had been quietly writing in his office, came out in haste, and recognized Mrs.

But my own impression is that as we get into the secret of Ashton's murder, as I make no doubt we shall, there will be more evidence forthcoming. Now, as regards this man, whoever he is, who claims to be the missing Lord Marketstoke " At that moment a clerk entered the room and glanced at Mr. Carless. "Telephone message from Methley and Woodlesford, sir," he announced. "Mr.

Ashton's health was seriously if not fatally shattered, and she was departing immediately for the South of France. Not in the Rectory drawing-room, but in a pretty little sitting-room attached to her bed-chamber, where the temperature was regulated, and no draughts could penetrate, reclined Mrs. Ashton.