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Not the least happy was Lawrence D'Arcy; and perhaps a glance at Miss Ashton's countenance might have told the reason why. "Well, Mr Norman, I am glad at length to see you here; and I can assure you, that your prognostications as to my liking the country, have been more than fulfilled," said Mr Ashton.

"But we think it may have been his guide," explained the girl. "Guide?" muttered Gowan, staring intently at Ashton. "Yes. You see, if he was mean enough to help steal Mr. Ashton's outfit, he " "Shore, I savvy!" exclaimed the puncher. "I'll rope a couple of fresh hawsses, and go out with Mr. Ashton after the two-legged wolf." "That's like you, Kid!

There may be fewer sorrows in such a life as that just as those comely kine of Ashton's that I see grazing in the park have fewer sorrows than human creatures. But what know they of our joys, or what know the commonalty of the joy of ruling, calling brave men one's own, riding before one's men in the field, wielding counsels of State, winning the love of thousands?

But the curiosity of women who can suppress it? They were as though they heard not, and were pressing on to the door, when Val Elster dashed in with a white face. "Back, all of you! You must not stay here. This is no place or sight for you. Anne," he added, seizing Miss Ashton's hand in peremptory entreaty, "you at least know how to be calm. Get them away, and keep them out of the hall."

Drillford again looked from the elder to the younger lady. "You'll excuse me if I ask what relation you ladies are to Mr. Ashton?" he said with a significant glance at Mrs. Killenhall. "None!" replied Mrs. Killenhall. "Miss Wickham is Mr. Ashton's ward. I am Miss Wickham's chaperon and companion."

I should therefore like to ask this witness to tell us how he regained possession of these papers, for I am convinced that in what he can tell us lies the secret of Ashton's murder.

The girl shook her finger at him, nodded to Ashton, and went indoors. Immediately the cowman put his pipe back into his mouth and drew another from his pocket, together with an unopened sack of tobacco. "Smoke?" he asked. Ashton's eyes gleamed. In the girl's presence he had been able to restrain the fierce craving that had tortured him since dinner.

And now see the extraordinary position in which we're all placed. Ashton's dead, and there isn't one scrap of paper to show what it was that he really knew. Nothing not one written line!" "Because, as I said before, he was murdered for his papers," affirmed Viner. "I'm sure of that as you are of the rest." "I dare say you're right," agreed Mr. Pawle.

During Mrs Gray's illness debts had accumulated, and creditors claimed the little property, which had to be sold, and when his mother's funeral expenses had been paid, four or five pounds only remained as the young orphan's inheritance. Betsy took him to her cottage, where he shared the bed of one of her grandchildren, and he continued as before to tend Farmer Ashton's sheep.

"Haven't we heard already, that a man named Wickham handed over his daughter Avice to Ashton's care and guardianship?" he asked. "Doesn't that seem to be an established fact?" "No doubt of it!" assented Mr. Pawle. "Well?" "In my opinion," said Viner, quietly, "Wickham was the missing Lord of Marketstoke!" Mr.