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"She is an old acquaintance of mine from my own State California." "Ah, so," said the General, lifting his eyebrows in profound apology. "A thousand pardons." "Surely," said Paul, with a desperate attempt to recover his equanimity, "YOU ought to know our geography better." "So, I am wrong. But still the name Arguello surely that is not American?

"For a moment the Governor was taken back, then he held out his hand. 'This is the bearing of a soldier and worthy of a man of honor, he said. 'Blows are only for cowards who deserve them. "Argüello took the outstretched hand and from this time he and the Governor were close friends. But the boat proved so useful at Monterey, that it was never returned."

Stearns, now a very old man, and met there Don Juan Bandini, to whom I had given a good deal of notice in my book. From him, as indeed from every one in this town, I met with the kindest attentions. The wife of Don Juan, who was a beautiful young girl when we were on the coast, Dona Refugio, daughter of Don Santiago Arguello, the commandante of San Diego, was with him, and still handsome.

"What?" said Mrs. Argalls, suddenly grasping the invalid's wrist with both hands. "What name?" her eyes were startled from their rigid coldness, her lips were colorless. "Arguello! It was some foolish schoolgirl fancy which that hound helped to foster in her. Why what's the matter, Kate?"

Rezanof was warmly welcomed and generously entertained by Commander Arguello of the presidio of San Francisco, but in vain did he try to trade off his cargo for food for his starving people. The governor and his officers dared not disobey the laws of Spain in regard to foreign trade. While they were arguing and debating, however, something happened which changed their views.

Or was it Baker? Judge Baker? I forget which. Well, sir, they wished to be remembered." It struck Paul, perhaps unreasonably, that the colonel's indifference and digression were both a little assumed, and he asked abruptly, "And you fulfilled your mission?" "I made the formal transfer, with the Mayor, of the property to Miss Arguello." "To Miss Arguello?"

Away to port the line of the Californian coast showed beyond the heave of the sea from Point Arguello to Point Conception, and to starboard and west of the San Lucas's a dot in the sun-dazzle marked the peaks of the island of San Nicolas.

"Dios!" she interrupted him. "Do you think that your love is greater than mine? I was born with a thousand years of love in me and had you not come I should have gone alone with my dreams to the grave. I am all women in one, not merely Concha Arguello, a girl of sixteen." She clasped her hands high above her head, lifting her eyes to the ashen vault so soon to yield to the gay brush of dawn.

DEAR SIR, As I am on the point of sailing to Europe to-morrow to escort Miss Arguello and Miss Woods on an extended visit to England and the Continent, I am desirous of informing you that I have thus far been unable to find any foundation for the suggestions thrown out by you in our last interview.

I am not laughing at your conclusions, but at this singular coincidence with a discovery I have made." "As how, sir?" "I find in the report of the Chief of the Police for the year 1850 that Kate Howard was under the protection of a man named Arguello." The colonel's exaggeration instantly left him. He stared blankly at Paul.