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The gas that occupied the space between what might be termed the two skins of the projectile had already been pumped in, and nothing remained to, do but for the adventurers to enter the great airship, as it might be designated, seal up the ports, turn on the power and start. Mr. Roumann looked critically to the bracing up of the Annihilator, to see that it was slanted just right.

A voluptuous light crept across Herr Carovius’s face: here was defeat and despair, weeping and gnashing of teeth; what more could he wish? He felt that he was personally the annihilator of the collective aristocracy.

There, outlined against the cloudless heavens, was a long, black shape, floating through the air about two miles distant. "The projectile! The Annihilator!" yelled Jack. "Shout! Call to them! Wave your hands! Andy, fire your gun! They have started off, and they can't see us. We must make them hear!" Together they raised their voices in a mighty shout. The old hunter fired his gun several times.

It was on the afternoon of the third day following the turning turtle of the Annihilator that Mark, who was looking through a telescope in the pilot-house, called out: "I say, Jack, look here!" "What's the matter?" asked his chum. "Why, we're rushing right at the moon! I can see the mountains and craters on it as plain as though we were but five miles away!"

The rest of the day was spent in making minor adjustments to some of the machines, oiling others, and in planning what they would do when they reached the moon. In this way three days and nights passed, mainly without incident. They slept well on board the Annihilator, which was speeding so swiftly through space slept as comfortably as they had on earth.

They climbed once more to the tops of towering peaks, but there they found their range of vision limited by peaks still higher, while there were great valleys, in one of which, whether near or far they could not tell, they knew, the Annihilator was hidden. They had almost lost track of time now, and they did not know how far they had wandered.

In the first place, there appeared to be a great deal of water about them. There were canals or broad rivers on every side, with only narrow strips of land dividing them. The Annihilator had landed on a broad, sandy plain, one of the largest on the planet, as it afterward developed, and so gentle had been the descent, that the projectile was not injured in the least.

"Do you notice anything queer?" he asked Mark. "Yes. It seems as if we were falling down!" "Exactly what I thought. I wonder if anything could have happened?" The Annihilator was certainly falling through space, and no longer shooting forward. This was evident, as the motion was slower than when the projectile was urged on by the mysterious force. "Let's go tell Mr.

The big Annihilator had been run out on trucks into the yard surrounding the shed, ready to be hurled through the air. The shop, shed and house had been locked up and given in charge of a caretaker, who would remain on guard until our friends returned. "Are we all ready?" asked Professor Henderson, as he stood ready to close the main entrance door and seal it hermetically.

In fact, the projectile was finished, and all that was necessary was to put in the stores and some supplies, turn on the power, and they would be off through space. The actual starting of the Annihilator was, of course, to be left entirely to Mr. Roumann.