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"We're falling rapidly," announced Jack, in a low voice, as he looked at the height gauge. "I am doing all I can," answered Mr. Roumann. "I think I will soon be able to right the craft." He labored desperately, but he was at a disadvantage, for the Annihilator was not now moving smoothly through space.

Shiva, the Annihilator of maya or delusion, is symbolically represented in the scriptures as the Lord of Renunciates, the King of Yogis. In Hindu art He is always shown with the new moon in His hair, and wearing a garland of hooded snakes, ancient emblem of evil overcome and perfect wisdom.

Henderson, constructed a machine which, when a negative current of electricity was sent into it, would force away any object that was approaching the Annihilator. In a few moments the boys at the Cardite motor heard the hum, the throb and crackling that told them that the repelling apparatus was at work. But would it act in time? Or would the meteor prove too powerful for it?

"Suppose we go out and take a look around it," proposed Mark. "Ned and Sam will know if any intruder has been sneaking around there." They all went out where the Annihilator was in process of building, but the machinists said they had not been disturbed, and they were sure no one had stolen anything. There was no further disturbance that night, but when Mr.

"Are we really going to be walking around the moon inside of thirty minutes?" asked Mark. "I don't know about walking around on it," answered the German. "We first have to see if there is an atmosphere there for us to breathe, and whether the temperature is such as we can stand. But the Annihilator will soon be there."

Then it will be too late to turn back, and my object will have been accomplished. I will be with them in the Annihilator, and I'll have my revenge! The projectile is due to sail to-morrow, and I'll be on hand. I'm going to leave you now. I have left orders with a friend of mine that you are to be released to-morrow night. In the meanwhile you will have to be as comfortable as you can.

"As long as we don't fall into the sun and get burned up we'll be all right," went on Jack. "And when we get to Mars I know what I'm going to do." "What?" "Go for a sail on one of the big canals. Mars is covered with them, astronomers say." "Maybe the Martians won't let you." "Maybe not. I wish we could start to-morrow." "Well, we can't. The Annihilator isn't near done.

The meeting of Napoleon and Goethe, two mighty conquerors, was an event in the world's history. On one side the scourge of God, the great annihilator of all survivals from the past, the gloomy despot, the last abortion of the revolution a "Part of the power that still Produces Good, while still devising Ill";

"Well, here goes!" exclaimed Jack with a jerky laugh as he stepped into the Annihilator. "I'm with You," added Mark as he followed his chum. "Come on, Washington!" cried Jack from within. "Wait till I take one mo' look at terra cotta!" said the colored man. "You mean terra firma, I guess," spoke the professor. "Yes, sah. Dat's hit. Terra flirma de earth. I wants t' bid it good-by."

Think of simply putting a bit of it in a stove and having heat, or hanging up some in a room and getting light from it. But, more than this, think of having it move machinery, I would not be surprised but what I could transform it into energy that would operate the motors of the Annihilator." "But wouldn't you need a new supply every once in a while?" asked Jack. "I think not.